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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Side Projects have Projects as Side Effects

I went and did a thing. But why, why?

When I start­ed play­ing with the idea of do­ing a sort-of-retro-80s-pro­gram­ming-en­vi­ron­ment called Co­braPy I sus­pect­ed one of the prob­lems would be find­ing a graph­ics li­brary that did what I want­ed and had good per­for­mance.

I have used PyGame a lit­tle in the past but nev­er liked it too much, so I tried Py­glet and it was work­ing great ... un­til I tried to add some­thing as sim­ple as a wid­get to en­ter tex­t. It does­n't re­al­ly do wid­get­s, for that you ap­par­ent­ly use glooey

But glooey is ... I don't like it. And then I ran into a bug where you can either clean the contents of an EditableLabel and set it to focused without it crashing deep in its bowels. I worked around it by using fake mouse events to focus. And then noticed you can't type a double quote in one of those widgets. So, I got pissed.

It lit­er­al­ly took me less time to find a nice C game li­brary, read a tu­to­ri­al on CF­FI, do min­i­mal ed­its to its head­er file, learn how to use in­voke and write my first pro­gram us­ing it than I wast­ed chas­ing that glooey bug.

And now, the ques­tion­s:

  • Does it work well? How could I know, I on­ly wrote the bind­ing, I have not used it yet!
  • Will I main­tain it? I don't think it re­quires much main­tain­ing.
  • Will I re­lease it? Maybe. It's here, mixed up with oth­er stuff

... aaaaand some­one else had al­ready done it. http­s://pyp­­jec­t/raylib/ But that's raylib 2.6, cur­rent is 3.0 :-)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina