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Nikola Logo Contest!

So you ha­ve de­sign ski­ll­s? Want to make a li­ttle mo­ney whi­le doing a good thin­g? Then join the con­tes­t! the­re is a 200 US do­llars gua­ran­teed pri­ze, and the con­test wi­ll be ju­dged by a group of Niko­la de­ve­lo­per­s.

So­me gui­dan­ce:

  • The na­­me Niko­­­la co­­­mes from Niko­­­la Tes­­la, so thi­nk co­n­­ce­p­­ts co­n­­ne­c­ted to that

    • The Wa­­r­­­den­­­cl­­­y­­­ffe to­­­wer

    • Tes­­­la Coils

    • Li­­­gh­­­tning

    • Ele­­c­­­tri­­­ci­­­ty

    • Ea­­r­­­ly 20­­­th cen­­­tu­­­ry

  • I ho­­­pe the lo­­­go wo­­­rks we­­ll in a va­­rie­­ty of fo­r­­ma­­ts so, keep it si­m­­ple. B/W is good.

  • A drawing wi­­thout the word Niko­­­la is good, but a good de­­sign wi­­th the word in it could be good al­­so.

The con­test las­ts a week, you ha­ve 4 da­ys for the qua­li­fying roun­d.

And re­mem­be­r: it has to be be­tter than the­se

jjconti / 2014-04-11 20:12:

Quién ganó?

Roberto Alsina / 2014-04-11 20:37:

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina