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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Nikola 3 is out and it is good.

I just re­leased ver­sion 3 of my stat­ic site gen­er­a­tor, Niko­la

It's a ma­jor re­lease, there is hard­ly any code from the pre­vi­ous ver­sion that was not moved, prod­ded, bro­ken or fixed!

The main fea­tures of Niko­la:

  • Blogs, with tags, feed­s, archives, com­­ments, etc.

  • Themable

  • Fast build­s, thanks to doit

  • Flex­i­ble

  • Small code­base (pro­­gram­mers can un­der­­s­tand all of Niko­la in a few hours)

  • re­Struc­­tured­­Text and Mark­­down as in­­put lan­guages

  • Easy im­age gal­­leries (just drop files in a fold­er!)

  • Syn­­tax high­­­light­ing for al­­most any pro­­gram­ming lan­guage or markup

  • Mul­ti­lin­gual sites

  • Does­n't rein­vent wheel­s, lev­er­ages ex­ist­ing tool­s.

Changes for this re­lease (not ex­haus­tive!):

  • New op­­tion­al tem­­plate ar­gu­­ment for "niko­la init"

  • New "in­stal­l_the­me" task

  • Op­­tion­al ad­­dress op­­tion for the "serve" task

  • Bet­ter look­ing code­blocks

  • Rus­sian tran­s­la­­tion

  • Use mark­­down/reSt com­pil­er based on post ex­ten­­sion

  • Don't fail when there are no post­s/s­­to­ries/­­gal­­leries/­­tags

  • Use con­­fig­u­ra­­tion op­­tions as de­pen­­den­­cies

  • Use more rel­a­­tive links for eas­i­er site rel­lo­ca­­tion

  • Syn­­tax high­­­light for mark­­down

  • Bet­ter mul­ti­­core builds (make the -n 2 or -n 4 op­­tions work)

  • Con­­fig­urable out­­put fold­er

  • Don't fail on posts with pe­ri­ods in the name

  • Dif­fer­­ent page names for dif­fer­­ent lan­guages

  • Rec­og­nize (some) Mako tem­­plate de­pen­­den­­cies

  • Is now a more "nor­­mal" python pack­­age.

camboris / 2012-06-11 14:50:

Puedo hacer posts con un template especifico que no sea el de posts? ejemplo, quiero postear un archivo flash, para eso necesito incluir un par de js e indicar archivo mostrar. o tal vez poder marcar un post como inmutable, de manera que pueda tocar el código sin preocuparme que nikola la sobreescriba...

Roberto Alsina / 2012-06-11 15:07:

Podes tener un template específico hasta para un solo post :-)

Pero no creo que te haga falta, para meter .js alcanza con hacer un ..raw html en el post.

Tshepang Lekhonkhobe / 2012-06-11 17:26:

What does "normal" mean in that last bullet point?

Roberto Alsina / 2012-06-11 18:48:

Has a, can be installed system-wide, should put things in reasonable places.

Tshepang Lekhonkhobe / 2012-06-16 06:07:

ok, thanks

megbragg / 2012-06-12 20:21:

Great! Looking forward to checking out the changes (and finally actually publishing my site :)

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