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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

My Life as a Mad Scientist

My son fi­nis­hed kin­de­r, so they had a spe­cial ce­le­bra­tio­n, a gra­dua­tion ce­re­mony whe­re they ga­ve the ki­ds a me­da­l, a di­plo­ma, they sang a son­g, that kind of thin­g. But this school has a tra­di­tio­n. Pa­ren­ts alwa­ys gi­ve their ki­ds a sur­pri­se pre­sent at the end of kin­de­r.

In this ca­se, we did a pla­y. Wi­th al­most eve­ry pa­rent ac­tin­g, sin­gin­g, pla­ying mu­si­c, ju­gglin­g, and mo­re. My ro­le? Mad scien­tis­t. I had 4 li­nes, I fun­bled one, but he­y, you can't deny I got the look nai­led, man.

Ye­s, tho­se are bla­ck­li­ght li­gh­t-up eye­gla­s­ses. Yes they are as an­no­ying to eve­r­yo­ne el­se as you would ima­gi­ne.

Pablo2M / 2012-12-17 00:12:

Roberto, no se si te lo pregunte en el pyday lujan y me olvide o no te lo pregunte: ¿Donde se compra la remera de Telsa > Edison?

Roberto Alsina / 2012-12-17 12:38:

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina