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I have written half a book

LIke men­tioned be­fore I am try­ing to write a book and ... well, I may be ac­tu­al­ly mak­ing pro­gress? At least the gen­er­at­ed PDF is about 170 pages long, which means I have writ­ten a bunch in this past month.

I have fin­ished the sec­ond of four planned part­s, which means I have done about half of it. Since I ex­pect the next two parts to be short­er, it's ac­tu­al­ly more than that.

The tar­get au­di­ence are peo­ple who have fin­ished the python tu­to­ri­al but are not ex­act­ly pro­gram­mers yet. They have the syn­tax more or less in their head­s, but how do you turn that in­to an ac­tu­al piece of code?

  • Part 1 is about "pro­­to­­typ­ing", the process of dump­ing an idea in­­­to rough code.

  • Part 2 is about pol­ish­ing that rough code in­­­to ... not so rough code. In­­­cludes a gen­­tle in­­tro­­duc­­tion to test­ing, for ex­am­­ple.

  • Part 3 (to be writ­ten) is about things that are not code:

    • Git / Git­lab

    • Is­­­sues

    • Pack­­­ag­ing

    • Set­t­ing up a we­b­site

    • CI

    • Lots more

  • Part 4 is still to be thought but ba­si­­cal­­ly it will cov­­er im­­ple­­men­t­ing a large fea­­ture from the ground up.

I much ap­pre­ci­ate com­ments about it.

PD: Si, va a haber una tra­duc­ciń al castel­lano. O mas bi­en al ar­genti­no. Una vez que lo ter­mine.

Roberto Alsina / 2018-04-14 11:27:

No tengo pensado publicarlo en el sentido de venderlo, pero buenísimo de todas formas :-)

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