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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Hacé version v0.1.2 is out

A new release of Hacé my make-like tool backed by Croupier is out!

Version v0.1.2

  • Make tasks not be de­fault by de­fault. This means that if you
    don't spec­i­fy a task when in­vok­ing hace, noth­ing will hap­pen.

    This is a break­ing change.

  • Added self to ex­posed vari­ables in tasks. This can be used
    to achieve what you would use $@ or oth­er au­to­mat­ic vari­ables
    in Make­files.

  • Added -f op­tion to spec­i­fy a Hace­file to use.

  • Added -n op­tion to do a dry run.

  • Added al­ways_run flag for tasks which caus­es them to al­ways
    run even if their de­pen­den­cies are un­changed.

  • Im­ple­ment­ed --ques­tion flag to ask if a task should be run.

  • Im­ple­ment­ed au­to com­mand, which con­tin­u­ous­ly re­builds as need­ed
    re­act­ing to filesys­tem changes.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina