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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Croupier version v0.2.2 is out

A new release of Croupier my Crystal library for tasks and dataflow programming is out!
  • Tasks with­out in­puts should be treat­ed like al­ways_run tasks
    (found via bug in Hacé)
  • Tasks with­out in­puts and mul­ti­ple out­puts should not run twice
    (found via bug in Hacé)
  • Made TaskMan­ag­er an in­stance of a struc­t, and lost all the
    class vari­ables, sim­pli­fy­ing code.
  • Re­moved some small meth­ods from TaskMan­ag­er.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina