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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Changes in this blog

I have made a few changes in how this blog is gen­er­at­ed and what fea­tures are en­abled.

Similarity Plugin

I have en­abled the sim­i­lar­i­ty plug­in and dis­abled the equiv­a­lent fea­ture pro­vid­ed by Dis­qus. In gen­er­al, it seems this plug­in pro­duces more whim­si­cal con­nec­tions which is a big plus. It may lead you to dis­cov­er very ran­dom things I wrote. I know it re­mind­ed me of things I did not re­mem­ber writ­ing!

Continuous Import

I have en­abled the con­tin­u­ous im­port plug­in which will au­to­mat­i­cal­ly merge some oth­er as­pects of my on­line pres­ence with this blog. Cur­rent­ly it has sup­port for goodreads (which I al­ready men­tioned be­fore) and youtube (which I have not), so you will see short book re­views and ran­dom videos I make.

Ex­am­ples: goodreads and youtube

This plug­in can the­o­ret­i­cal­ly sup­port any­thing that pro­vides a RSS/Atom feed and lets you ap­ply cus­tom tem­plates to the con­tent so you end up with pret­ty posts in all cas­es. If you are in­ter­est­ed in us­ing it for some oth­er ser­vice, feel free to ask me about it.

Front Page

For the first time ev­er, the front page of this site is no longer the blog, but a land­ing page.


At some point in the fu­ture I may switch to a more cus­tom­ized the­me, but that's not in any spe­cif­ic roadmap, it will hap­pen when it hap­pen­s. In the mean­time, this is now us­ing the Lu­men bootswatch and am ex­per­i­ment­ing with us­ing Flow­Type for a more read­able au­to­mat­ic font size.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina