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Hurt-o-meter marking: yellow

So, we're out.

The match was pret­ty even, not bad­ly played, but both teams played ex­cel­lent de­fense, so ...

Penal­ty kicks can go ei­ther way, and we are out.

What I have learned:

  • Enalapril does work.

  • Tevez is a mon­ster.

  • Ger­­many will not win the cup... un­­less they get some more luck. Like Ukrayne in semis and France in the fi­­nal. Any­one else and they are toast (ok, maybe Italy sucks enough).

  • We have a very good shot in 2010.

I am ob­vi­ous­ly not feel­ing ok right now, but ... I said quar­ters or semis, and I said it would be with suf­fer­ing. So there. I was right. Not that I ac­tu­al­ly en­joy be­ing right. It's more like I hate be­ing right.

stripe4 / 2006-06-30 20:44:

I think your coach goofed by starting the defensive play too soon before the final whistle. I think also the overall referee's decisions were in favor for German team. I don't know if it was only my imagination but didn't Ballack play with arm in his own team's penalty area some time after the German goal? The whistle was silent and there was no replay, too. Oh, and the country is Ukraine, not Ukrayne. ;)

Marco van B. / 2006-06-30 23:28:

So much for the group of death. :-(

petteri / 2006-07-01 13:06:

Ah. Those damn Germans I was hoping for final Argentina agains Brasil. It would be nice since Sweden is not in the finals.

Leon / 2006-07-01 23:33:

Weren't you telling us things about german defense some days ago?
Next time be less arrogant :-)

Roberto Alsina / 2006-07-02 01:16:

Leon: Why? Their defense was no good when I said that. It is ok now, though, but not exactly great.

YaP / 2006-07-03 13:39:

Seeing how France beat Brasil I don't think playing them will be as easy as you're implying...

Roberto Alsina / 2006-07-03 14:05:

I am not prescient. I never foresaw the second coming of Zidane :-)

By what had happened until I posted, it made sense to say France was easier than Brazil.

Right now, they can get through Italy, but I doubt it. Then they could beat Portugal or France (but I doubt that even more).

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