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Poland is... enough about Poland.

Ecuador played ok, they tried to stay sim­ple, do their thing, make the oth­er team beat them. Which Poland had no in­ter­est in, so Ecuador scored a cou­ple of goals just in case, and hey, they won! Poland is per­haps the worse team so far, and that in­cludes Trinidad and To­ba­go. And Cos­ta Ri­ca.

Eng­land, I have heard, are slow starter­s. I hope for their sake that's the case. Ash­ley Cole has a se­ri­ous case of be­liev­ing he is way more skilled than he needs to be ( I thought Rio Fer­di­nand was the one with that prob­lem?) And any­way, Paraguay start­ed weak, and had huge trou­ble at­tack­ing. So, good win for Eng­land, hope­ful­ly Paraguay was just ner­vous. Gamar­ra is a re­al­ly un­lucky guy.

Swe­den... what a frus­trat­ing match. T&T was play­ing on guts alone, their best for­ward played as a de­fen­sive mid­field­er, and still they had the clear­est shot at goal, out of a pass by the goal­keep­er! Swe­den was just in­cred­i­bly un­luck­y, or their for­wards were blind­fold­ed.

Ivory Coast is a pret­ty good at­tack­ing team. They are a be­low av­er­age de­fense, though, which ex­plains why Ar­genti­na scored twice on three chances, and the oth­er one was saved 90% be­hind the goal.

Savi­o­la played well, Riquelme did­n't. The de­fense... they played waaaay back, and Ab­bon­danzieri sim­ply gave away ev­ery ball he touched with a long kick to an ivo­rian.

But hey, it's a win... no ob­vi­ous trou­ble... need to play with some con­fi­dence... ok, we suck a lit­tle. But it can get bet­ter.

Pala­cio for some rea­son could­n't stand up in the field, was fall­ing when­ev­er he tried to run.

But I think ev­ery­one agrees: the Ivory Coast is a scary team. They are skilled, they are ath­let­ic, they are not too bad­ly or­ga­nized... they can be a chore for any team.

So far, of the "good" team­s... none has looked very good. No can­di­dates to win yet, IMVHO.

Rudd-O / 2006-06-11 00:48:

Ecuador Rulez!!!

Si se puede!
Si se puede!
Si se puede!

Rui / 2006-06-11 11:40:

Hey, great to see some commentaries on the World Cup in planet KDE. Keep those analysis coming :-)

Marcos Dione / 2006-06-11 18:06:

We suck a little? We didn't do anything in the second part, except to do passes going back instead of advancing and llosing the ball. Our midifield was almost non-existant. I hope that was a strategy to compensate their speed when running.

Roberto Alsina / 2006-06-11 18:32:

We suck a little.

We didn't have to do anything. We were 2-0 up. There's 7 matches in one month.

Ivory Coast played well. Usually, when the rival plays well, you look bad. So... maybe the lackluster second half was their fault, maybe it was ours. We'll know next friday :-)

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