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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

IUP/Qt preview

Ok, here is ver­sion 0.0.1 of my Qt4 back­end for IUP . It's not very good, but a bunch of things work. A whole bunch more do not, of course.

I am show­ing this just be­cause I want to re­write it, be­cause I no­ticed that I am writ­ing it like it was Mo­tif stil­l, and I must un­der­stand this is ac­tu­al­ly C++ and Qt code ;-)

Us­ing it along with DI­UP you can write sil­ly Lin­ux/Win­dows/­Mac GUIs from D, or you can use C. No LUA yet.

You can down­load it here (click on the "Free" but­ton and wait a while).

You will need Qt4 and qmake to make it work.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina