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IUP/Qt shows a window

Of course you know that means noth­ing, but yes, af­ter a few hours of hack­ing, I got enough of a Qt back­end for IUP so a win­dow can be dis­played.


Of course those are all the wid­gets that are im­ple­ment­ed cur­rent­ly.

If by im­ple­ment­ed you ac­cept "can't con­nect call­backs and 90% of the at­tributes are in­ac­ces­si­ble", that is!

But af­ter I get the call­backs work­ing (that's the hairy part), the rest is sim­ple mo­not­o­nous repet­i­tive work.

It's in­ter­est­ing that the Qt back­end is, of course, look­ing quite sim­pler than the Mo­tif one, and in fac­t, a fair bit sim­pler than the IUP pro­grams look.

But hey, you get a sort of LUA bind­ings for Qt at the same price...

OTO­H, the third step is a nicer OOP, D, wrap­per around IUP.

Or some­thing like that ;-)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina