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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Life & Birthdays

Rosario had her birth­day par­ty on sat­ur­day. She turned 0x20 (so on­ly we geeks know the truth ;-)

Had some fun, al­though some of her friends are... well, let's just say they have a very lim­it­ed ar­ray of con­ver­sa­tion top­ic­s, and they are en­cy­clo­pe­dic about per­haps the least in­ter­est­ing one.

But hey, the whole fam­i­ly was there, lots of food (My cuña­di­tas Maria Fer­ay, Lau­ra and Agusti­na made dip­s, cake, re­al­ly nice stuff).

We even got an awe­some pic­ture of us that I in­tend to frame.

On oth­er news, life's pret­ty good, busi­ness too, fam­i­ly is fine, I fi­nal­ly closed my old apart­men­t's lease... if life were any bet­ter the gov­ern­ment would change my tax brack­et.

I am writ­ing an ar­ti­cle about a cool help sys­tem I'm think­ing. Should be at least as much fun as the one about cal­cu­la­tors :-)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina