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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Fun with referers

A long while ago, I post­ed a sil­ly ar­ti­cle ex­plain­ing what was first, the egg or the chick­en. Noone seemed to no­tice un­til now.

Any­one reads es­to­ni­an, cares to trans­late?

Es­to­ni­an stuff

On a sim­i­lar note: ac­cord­ing to my zeit­geist this blog is most­ly about nerdy stuff, and hinges.

So, here's an­oth­er way to fool google. Pick a word noone cares about, and write an ar­ti­cle about some­thing pop­u­lar while us­ing a metaphor which has the use­less word in it.

Sud­den­ly, you are the num­ber one google link for that word. This site has been, ac­cord­ing to google, the place to go for in­for­ma­tion about hinges, for months al­ready.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina