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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

First day away

Looks like the stuff de­scribed in Safe Re­mote Blog­ging with PyDS does work, since I am 500KM away from the host, and it sems to be en­crypt­ed and pass­word pro­tect­ed :-)

The trip was not good. I was sup­posed to leave at 0:15 to­day, and the bus broke down, so I on­ly left, in a worse bus (cramped) at 2:45. So, bad.

Any­way, seen mom&­dad, slept a lit­tle, I am read­ing the sec­ond Aubrey book (fin­ished the first one yes­ter­day), and I re­al­ly like the stuff, should write about it.

Of course af­ter I found a place with a de­cent In­ter­net con­nec­tion, it has start­ed pour­ing, and I will get soaked when I go back :-)

Hel­l, rain is good when it´s

  • Not too cold
  • Not im­por­tant that you stay dry

Check and check, so wel­come rain.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina