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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Nuevo proyecto: marave, un editor de textos relajado

Ma­ra­ve (na­da, in gua­ra­ní) es un edi­tor de tex­tos re­la­ja­do. Su me­ta es que te pue­das con­cen­trar en es­cri­bi­r, li­bre de dis­trc­cio­nes vi­sua­le­s.

Es­tá es­cri­to en Py­Q­t, por lo que de­be­ría fun­cio­nar en to­das las pla­ta­for­mas im­por­tan­tes, y es­tá li­be­ra­do ba­jo la li­cen­cia GPL­v2, así que es so­ftw­re li­bre.

Se pue­de en­con­trar el SVN ac­tua­li­za­do (no hay to­da­vía una ver­sión em­pa­que­ta­da) en http://­ma­ra­ve.­google­co­de.­com




No es­tá ter­mi­na­do, pe­ro tie­ne es­to:

  • Se pue­­de edi­­tar tex­­to

  • In­­te­r­­faz mi­­ni­­ma­­lis­­ta, "e­­va­­nes­­cen­­te"

  • (O­p­­cio­­­na­­l) fee­­dba­­ck de au­­dio pa­­ra el te­­cla­­do

  • (O­p­­cio­­­na­­l) mú­­si­­ca re­­la­­jan­­te (re­­quie­­re in­­te­r­­ne­­t)

  • Se pue­­de pe­r­­so­­­na­­li­­zar el fo­n­­do, la ti­­po­­­gra­­fía, los co­­­lo­­­res y so­­­ni­­do­­s.

  • Co­­­rre­c­­tor or­­to­­­grá­­fi­­co (re­­quie­­re pyen­­chan­­t)

Tam­bién fal­tan al­gu­nas co­sas:

  • Bus­­car y Bus­­ca­­r/­­Ree­m­­pla­­zar no es­­tá he­­cho

  • Las pe­r­­so­­­na­­li­­za­­cio­­­nes no se gua­r­­dan

  • Fa­l­­ta li­m­­piar más la in­­te­r­­faz

  • No pi­­de gua­r­­dar cuan­­do cie­­rra

  • Gua­r­­da­­do au­­to­­­má­­ti­­co no es­­tá he­­cho

Y al me­nos un bug co­no­ci­do:

  • En wi­n­­do­­ws los wi­­dge­­ts no es­­tán bien ubi­­ca­­dos Arre­­gla­­do en SVN

Bre­ve his­to­ria:

Ha­ce unos días vi om­mw­ri­ter men­cio­na­do en un tweet o al­go si­mi­la­r.

Es­ta­ba pen­san­do "lin­do­", pe­ro una voz en mi ca­be­za me de­cía "e­so de­be ser fá­cil de ha­ce­r". Des­pués de to­do, la par­te di­fí­cil de crear un pro­gra­ma es ha­cer que ha­ga al­go, ¿no?

Bue­no, sí y no. Me las arre­glé pa­ra ha­cer al­go pa­re­ci­do en un día, pe­ro ha­cer que que­de exac­to co­mo yo quie­ro me vuel­ve lo­co :-)

Viktor Kerkez / 2010-01-28 23:50:

Maybe we should merge our projects :)

Roberto Alsina / 2010-01-28 23:56:

Looks nice, you don't need me :-)

Kerim Mansour / 2010-01-29 05:24:

Quite a lot of such editors around.
Gyounen, pyRoom, vanilla ... just to mention a few in Python.

But still.. good work. Looking forward to the progress you make.

Roberto Alsina / 2010-01-29 14:18:

You know, reinventing the wheel has such an undeserved bad reputation.

I bet there were lots of guys telling the wheel inventor to stop reinventing the log roller.

Kerim Mansour / 2010-01-30 14:00:

Hi Roberto,
i don't think reinventing the wheel has an undeserved bad reputation.
The interesting part is when you surpass the original design or build a new solution, just as your example with the wheel inventor demonstrates.

Don't get me wrong. I didn't say the work was worthless. I actually stated it is good work and i am interested to see what comes out of it during the next time. I also stated that there are already some programs for this. So for me the interesting part is to see where this editor brings in something new.

Roberto Alsina / 2010-01-30 16:02:

Sorry if I came too harshly :-)

What's new in this one:

* It is free
* It works in all desktop platforms (plus Maemo and S60, but that needs UI tweaking).

And even if it doesn't do anything different, it still achieves two worthy goals:

* It entertains me ;-)
* I learn stuff

stoolpigeon / 2010-01-29 14:53:

This is really nice. I'm going to start using it now.

Roberto Alsina / 2010-01-29 15:21:

I noticed you reported a bug immediately!

Please see if it's fixed now :-)

Roberto Alsina / 2010-02-06 12:05:

Some mentions of marave elsewhere:

"Marave, el Ommwriter para Linux":
"Interesting Text Editors":

Roberto Alsina / 2010-02-07 02:14:
Evan Bibbee / 2010-05-26 15:41:


I don't know if you are a Linux Journal subscriber, but I was prompted to try out Marave when I read about it in my newly-delivered issue of Linux Journal. It appears in John Knight's monthly column. Great work - thanks!


Roberto Alsina / 2010-05-26 17:13:

Sadly I can't find any references to marave in linux journal's site :-(

phone number lookup / 2011-12-03 22:30:

this is really interesting viewpoint on the subject i might add

employment background check / 2011-12-27 23:27:

!! Man ... Beautiful . Amazing ... I will bookmark your website and use the your RSS feed also

cell phone lookup / 2012-01-17 05:52:

Your blog has the same post as another author but i like your better

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina