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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

24-hour app #1: Die Schere, un editor de video

Eso es por­que no sé qué es­toy ha­cien­do, y no lo di­go en el sen­ti­do de "no soy un buen pro­gra­ma­do­r" (aun­que eso es me­dio cier­to­), sino que li­te­ral­men­te no sé co­mo de­be ver­se la apli­ca­ció­n, o qué de­be po­der ha­ce­r.

Así que he de­ci­di­do em­bar­car­me en una se­rie de ex­pe­ri­men­tos que lla­mo "24-hour app­s".

És­tas son las re­gla­s:

  • De­­bo crear una apli­­ca­­ción li­n­­da, es­­ta­­ble, úti­­l, usa­­ble y de as­­pe­c­­to agra­­da­­ble.

  • De­­bo ha­­ce­r­­lo en me­­nos de 24 ho­­­ra­s. Des­­pués de ese tie­m­­po, de­­be al me­­nos ser di­g­­na de un pre­­view, si no un be­­­ta.

  • Esas 24 ho­­­ras se pue­­den di­­vi­­dir en dos o tres se­­sio­­­nes.

  • El tie­m­­po usa­­do ha­­cien­­do ico­­­no­­s, do­­­cu­­men­­ta­­ció­­n, etc, cuen­­ta.

  • To­­­do el de­s­a­­rro­­­llo de­­be ser pú­­bli­­co (es­­toy usan­­do gi­­thub).

  • De­­bo te­­ner un uso pa­­ra la apli­­ca­­ción pro­­­du­­ci­­da, y de­­be ser al me­­nos una so­­­lu­­ción ade­­cua­­da pa­­ra ese pro­­­ble­­ma.

En­ton­ce­s, ¿cual és el pri­mer pro­yec­to? lo lla­mo Die Sche­re (Las Ti­je­ras en ale­mán) y es un edi­tor de vi­deo.

No es un reem­pla­zo de kden­li­ve, es tan so­lo el edi­tor de vi­deo que me hu­bie­ra gus­ta­do te­ner cuan­do ne­ce­si­té pe­gar un pe­da­zo de un vi­deo con un pe­da­zo de otro.

El el an­ti­guo mun­do pre-­di­gi­ta­l, eso se ha­cía con un cu­tter y cin­ta sco­tch. Quie­ro que Die Sche­re sea al me­nos tan útil y com­pren­si­ble co­mo era eso, pe­ro útil pa­ra gen­te tor­pe co­mo yo.

Aquí hay un vi­deo des­pués de la se­sión de ho­y, que du­ró unas 8 o 9 ho­ra­s:

La fun­cio­na­li­dad bá­si­ca es­tá ahí, aun­que que­da mu­cho tra­ba­jo por de­lan­te.

  • Se pue­­den ca­r­­gar clips pa­­ra tra­­ba­­jar con ello­­s.

  • Se pue­­den co­r­­tar (co­­­mo con un cu­­tte­­r)

  • Se pue­­de ele­­gir el pun­­to de co­r­­te in­­te­­ra­c­­ti­­va­­men­­te o edi­­tan­­do un va­­lor tie­m­­po

  • Se pue­­den aco­­­mo­­­dar (co­­­mo con ci­n­­ta sco­­­tch!)

  • Se pue­­de ge­­ne­­rar el vi­­deo de sali­­da

Co­mo ba­ckend es­toy usan­do men­co­de­r, pe­ro no hay mo­ti­vo pa­ra que no fun­cio­ne con ffm­peg o melt si al­guien es­cri­be 20 lí­neas de có­di­go.

Daniel Albuschat / 2009-10-25 15:22:

that's *exactly* what I was doing with a tiny program called Shrinky, because I came to the exact same conclusion - only applications of very minimal functionality and little work will ever get finished. And I came to hate unfinished projects, after the... gazillionths one I started ;-)
Here's my story on Shrinky:
The main program itself is quite finished, polished and stable, but I haven't finished the installer, since this is actually more work than the program itself. ;(

Daniel Albuschat / 2009-10-25 15:22:

that's *exactly* what I was doing with a tiny program called Shrinky, because I came to the exact same conclusion - only applications of very minimal functionality and little work will ever get finished. And I came to hate unfinished projects, after the... gazillionths one I started ;-)
Here's my story on Shrinky:
The main program itself is quite finished, polished and stable, but I haven't finished the installer, since this is actually more work than the program itself. ;(

IdeasMan / 2009-10-28 01:50:

Why don't you record the whole coding session so that people can watch it and learn from it? That to most programmers is far more interesting than watching the end result.


IdeasMan / 2009-10-28 01:50:

Why don't you record the whole coding session so that people can watch it and learn from it? That to most programmers is far more interesting than watching the end result.


Roberto Alsina / 2009-10-28 02:11:

Well, you can see every commit at github :-)

Roberto Alsina / 2009-10-28 02:11:

Well, you can see every commit at github :-)

Barthus / 2009-11-01 01:09:

I'm learning python and pyqt myself, and your blog and ideias are very insightful for begginners like me! I would like to specially thank you for your series of tutorials "PyQt by Example"! Before that, I was absolutely lost!

Barthus / 2009-11-01 01:09:

I'm learning python and pyqt myself, and your blog and ideias are very insightful for begginners like me! I would like to specially thank you for your series of tutorials "PyQt by Example"! Before that, I was absolutely lost!

Roberto Alsina / 2009-11-01 03:33:

@barthus thanks for your kind words, I really need to find a free day to work on those tutorials :-(

Roberto Alsina / 2009-11-01 03:33:

@barthus thanks for your kind words, I really need to find a free day to work on those tutorials :-(

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