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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

rst2qhc 0.2: the insomnia release

To­day I woke up at 6AM. I had noth­ing to do un­til 9, but I woke up and could­n't sleep again.

So, what can I do? I hacked rst2qhc a bit more :-D

Since this is a small pro­jec­t, it is quick­ly ap­proach­ing fea­ture com­plete sta­tus (there is re­al­ly on­ly so much this thing can do).

So, what's new?

  • Pass­ing op­­tions to rst2ht­m­l, so you can do things like set stylesheet­s.

  • Sup­­port for a man­i­fest file, so you can list what files should be em­bed­d­ed in the help­­file.

  • Fixed project sup­­port. Now you can op­­tion­al­­ly ask rst2qhc to cre­ate a qhcp file that will build your doc­u­­men­t.

  • Bet­ter, more com­­plete ex­am­­ple that dis­­­plays most fea­­tures.

I have on­ly one thing left in my TODO, which is call­ing the HTML writ­er via API in­stead of via sys­tem() be­cause that way there is no need to de­fine the key­word role in the doc­u­men­t, and I can add syn­tax high­light­ing via pyg­ments.

Since I now do have work to do, I will just re­lease 0.2 now ;-)

You can get it from the usu­al place: http://rst2qhc.­google­code.­com

And here's a sam­ple of the in­put/out­put:


Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina