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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

A hard-to-block spammer: I need help.

Many of my clients have been spammed by La Cap­i­tana Re­al Es­tate late­ly. And I mean many. Hun­dred­s.

How­ev­er, they seem to have found a way to spam that work­s. And that suck­s.

They have cre­at­ed a Google Group, added all their vic­tims there, and let google do the dirty work.

What's the prob­lem?

  1. Google group mails are not block­­able at SMT­P-lev­el be­­cause their senders con­­tain a sort of hash and the re­­cip­i­ent ad­­dress, and no group name. That's in­­­cred­i­bly stupid in google's part.

  2. The mes­sages they send are huge (6MB and up) so spa­­mas­sas­sin can not process them. The SA docs say this will not hap­pen be­­cause of "the eco­nom­ics of spam". Well, it hap­pens when you make google do it!

  3. I don't want to go back to the old days of keep­­ing a lo­­cal queue-lev­el ad­­dress black­­list. That's aw­­ful!

I have com­plained to google, I have com­plained to the spam­mer­s, even by phone. They use the stan­dard de­fense of "we are just invit­ing peo­ple". "They can un­sub­scribe if they want to". "This is not spam"

Noone does any­thing.

What's the next step? I can't black­list google group­s!

Norberto / 2009-01-23 00:04:

Si tuvieramos DMCA en Argentina podriamos decir que mandar un email de 6MB es una forma de "crackear" el sistema antispam :)

Que tus clientes se pongan de acuerdo y empiecen a mandar cartas documento a "La Capitana"

anonymous / 2012-05-21 17:34:

A mi se me está por salir la chaveta en cualquier momento y voy a ir a prenderles fuego la inmobiliaria

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