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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Urssus: July 31st - Many small things (with not-too-cool screenshot)

Helped by the test­ing by vgar­vardt, many is­sues and pos­si­ble fea­tures have been fixed or im­ple­ment­ed in the last two days. Here's an in­com­plete list:

  • Im­­ple­­men­t­ed (and lat­er fixed) prop­er close-­­to-­­tray

  • Mark­ing a fold­er as read marks all its chil­­dren

  • The re­set fil­ter but­­ton works like Akre­­ga­­tor's

  • The tray changes its icon when there are un­read items (and shows a count in the tooltip). Icon work need­ed, though.

  • Dou­ble click on a post opens in ex­ter­­nal brows­er

  • De­­fault re­fresh pe­ri­od is con­­fig­urable (no UI yet)

  • The feed tooltip shows un­read count

  • Win­­dow size and po­si­­tion is mem­o­rized

  • Po­si­­tion of the split­ters is mem­o­rized

  • Tool­bar ti­­tles are now rea­­son­able (n­ev­er tried to right-click a Qt tool­bar be­­fore)

  • Bet­ter tem­­plates for feed and post lay­outs

  • Un­read item­s/feeds are now shown bold

  • The about win­­dow has the right ti­­tle and icon, and does­n't ap­­pear in the taskbar.

There is al­most cer­tain­ly go­ing to be a re­lease to­mor­row.

And here's a pic­ture:


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