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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Urssus: July 28th late at night - Released 0.2.0 and it's outdated already (with screenshots)

Yes, I re­leased 0.2.0, and an­nounced it on PyP­I, Fresh­meat and kde-app­, we'll see what hap­pen­s.

But why is it out­dat­ed? Be­cause I am do­ing nicer UI work, al­ready.

  • The search wid­get is now a bot­­tom-locked tool­bar, which is much clean­er.

  • There are now 3 win­­dow lay­outs (nor­­mal, widescreen and com­bined) and each has a "long feed list" and a "short feed list" var­i­an­t.

Here is widescreen-­long:


And here are widescreen-short, widescreen-­long, nor­mal-short, and com­bined-short, all scrunched in a sin­gle screen (yes, you can run mul­ti­ple urssus (urssus­es? urssi?):


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