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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Son of BartleBlog XII: post in mere seconds

It was pret­ty hard, but I fi­nal­ly man­aged to make bartle­blog re-ren­der on­ly the nec­es­sary pages.

In fac­t, now my blog has a few less pages be­cause some ran­dom stuff was gen­er­at­ed in the past, and nev­er got delet­ed.

There are still some bugs but, with this, it's a rea­son­ably use­ful ap­p.


  • Al­ter­­na­­tive com­­ment sys­tem based on JS-K­it

  • Flickr pho­­to­set di­rec­­tive

  • Nicer Openo­my tag di­rec­­tive

  • Flickr and Openo­my up­­load­­ing

  • Many con­­fig pages and wiz­­ards

  • Back­­­ground ren­der­ing

  • Lots of UI love

  • Feed­Burn­er sup­­port to au­­to­­mat­i­­cal­­ly use their ver­­sion of the RSS feeds

Oth­er than that, it's pret­ty much fea­ture-­com­plete, or at least it has enough fea­tures a nerd can use it to post a blog just like this one, for what­ev­er that's worth.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina