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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Advogato post for 2001-04-03 14:41:40

Well, so KFTE is now in rather good shape. Got rid of the annoying flickering, too. I should blame it on Qt, though.

When I re­moved the last en­try from the menubar, the menubar changed its height! So, it now has a ug­ly hack to make it so the menubar does­n't ev­er get en­try-­less.

Oth­er than that, there's now al­so a QFTE in the same sources, and you can build xfte,qfte,k­fte,cfte,vfte and sfte in the same batch, and have FTE's for your ev­ery need :-)

You can get it from http://www.­conec­ti­va.­­na, BTW. Get the lat­est one ;-)

I for­got: would­n't it be nice if you could get a list of peo­ple that say your name in their di­ary en­tries?

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