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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Advogato post for 2000-04-10 12:21:42

Long time without an entry. Way too long.

Of course, I have a good ex­cuse, I was too busy ac­tu­al­ly hav­ing a life, to have time to write about that life.

Ok, cur­rent sta­tus: I have done no free soft­ware pro­gram­ming in the last 2 or three week­s, ba­si­cal­ly for the rea­son giv­en above.

Work: I now work for a Lin­ux com­pa­ny, which pays me rough­ly an or­der of mag­ni­tude more mon­ey than my pre­vi­ous em­ploy­er, even though be­cause of rea­sons giv­en be­low, I now OWE much more mon­ey than I did a few weeks ago.

Per­son­al life: I now live in Buenos Aires, which is, for those of you who are not well versed in ge­og­ra­phy, the gat­way to hel­l, mas­querad­ing as a large cos­mopoli­tan city at the shores of the world's widest riv­er (even if ge­og­ra­phers say it's not RE­AL­LY a river). My pre­vi­ous city was San­ta Fe, which was about 20 times small­er. I still don't have an ap­part­men­t, but that should change to­mor­row, be­cause, among oth­er things, if it does­n't change, I will have to bor­row MORE mon­ey to stay in the ho­tel.

Then, of course, is the small prob­lem of how does one live with­out any fur­ni­ture, which I won't be able to af­ford for aAT LEAST a month :-)

And that's why I owe mon­ey now: from a su­sis­tence econ­o­my, where I lived on $4 a day, I am now spend­ing rough­ly $70 a day, liv­ing in a hotel, and eat­ing in restau­rants.

Love: well, I now live 550km away from it. That's go­ing to be tough, and I don't have much hope of it sur­viv­ing. That sucks too much to think about.

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