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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Back in the mines

So, I'm back af­ter a 9-­day trip to the beach... re­laxed, strong, hap­py... and TV-­less since it seems to have burned some­thing in­side when I turned it on yes­ter­day.

Oh, well, who needs it any­way.

And next week I'm see­ing Kill Bill Vol. 2!

I am a Taranti­no fan, and it has so far scored 100% at the tomatome­ter (www.rot­ten­toma­toes.­com), so it seems to be good!

On a pro­fes­sion­al lev­el, I just nabbed enough sup­port con­tracts to do what I want to do this year.

A rea­son­able fixed in­come is some­thing I haven't had in a cou­ple of years, it has been up­-and-­down, great months and bad month­s, with a rather nice av­er­age, but...

I need­ed a fixed in­come this year be­cause I in­tend to save a cou­ple thou­sand dol­lars for sep­tem­ber.

Why? Be­cause I am go­ing to meet a fel­low KDE de­vel­op­er, the one that's clos­est go­ing east from Buenos Aires...

Why I ain*t posting much

I am on a lit­tle va­ca­tion. I will be back next sun­day.

Al­so, I*ve been quite busy, and the cou­ple of hours a longish pst takes sim­ply was not there.

And noth­ing in­ter­est­ing hap­pened, so no short sto­ries ei­ther ;-)

That*s NOT me!

The Leon Coun­ty Sher­if­f's Of­fice has ar­rest­ed two men in con­nec­tion with an Au­gust rob­bery of the Petro gas sta­tion, 3626 Ma­han Drive. The gun­men stole cash out of the reg­is­ter and cig­a­rettes be­fore leav­ing the store, head­ed in an un­known di­rec­tion, said Lt. Lin­da But­ler, spokes­woman for the Sher­if­f's Of­fice. The Rob­bery Task Force Unit, fol­low­ing a lead, was able to con­nect two men to the rob­bery and ar­rest­ed Mar­cus Kitchen­s, 21, and Rober­to Alsi­na, 23. Both were charged with armed rob­bery.

THe first time ev­er I found out about some­one with my same name, and he*s in jail :-P

Holy smoke!

I de­cid­ed to bring my of­fice PC in­to the XXI cen­tu­ry by adding a few USB ports to it.

I turned it of­f. I plugged in the board. I start­ed screw­ing it... and dropped the screw in­side it.

That has hap­pened a bil­lion times be­fore, so I'm not too wor­ried... un­til sud­den­ly the com­put­er turns it­self on, and a aw­ful smell comes from the ISA end of the mobo, along with acrid, black smoke.

I pull the plug, and it does­n't work. It seems to boot, but it makes a con­stant beep­ing sound.

Key­board er­ror.

I put an­oth­er key­board.

It all work­s, ex­cept the pow­er LED is now al­ways on as soon as I plug it. But the com­put­er is­n't. When I press the pow­er switch, the pow­er LED gets brighter, then it start­s.

I won­der what ex­act­ly I burned :-)

Custom widgets using PyQt

A short tu­to­ri­al ex­plain­ing how to cre­ate re­us­able wid­gets us­ing PyQt.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina