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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Podcast Sin Fórmulas

Me ol­vi­dé en su mo­men­to (ha­ce 2 me­s­es) de pu­blil­car es­to, pe­ro Mar­ce­lo Ta­pia me in­vi­tó a char­lar en un po­dcast que se lla­ma Sin Fór­mu­la­s, así que si por al­gún ex­tra­ño mo­ti­vo al­guien quie­re es­cu­char­me ha­blar me­dia ho­ra ...

Nueva versión de mi sitio sobre nombres en Argentina

Des­pués de un lar­go tiem­po de te­ner­lo aban­do­na­do, le dí un po­co de ca­ri­ño a mi si­tio que ha­ce co­sas con in­for­ma­ción so­bre nom­bres de per­so­nas en Ar­gen­ti­na.

Un gráfico de barras mostrando nombres

En par­ti­cu­la­r:

  • Arre­glé una canti­dad de bugs
  • Hi­ce cam­bios en la ba­se de da­tos pa­ra que sea más rá­pi­do
  • Cam­bié los grá­fi­cos y aho­ra los ha­ce gnu­plot y se ven me­jor
  • Rees­cri­bí el có­di­go del ba­ckend en Cr­ys­tal por­que es­toy apren­dien­do ese len­gua­je.

Un gráfico mostrando como la popularidad de un nombre cambia

Pue­den ver la ver­sión nue­va en http­s://­nom­bres.­ral­si­na.­me y la ver­sión vie­ja en http­s://­ral­si­na.­me/s­to­rie­s/­nom­bres2/

Learning Crystal by Implementing a Static Site Generator


A while back (10 YEARS???? WTH.) I wrote a stat­ic site gen­er­a­tor. I mean, I wrote one that is large and some­what pop­u­lar, called Niko­la but I al­so wrote a tiny one called Nico­let­ta

Why? Be­cause it's a nice lit­tle project and it shows the very ba­sics of how to do a whole projec­t.

All it does is:

  • Find mark­down files
  • Build them
  • Use tem­plates to gen­er­ate HTML files
  • Put those in an out­put fold­er

And that's it, that's a SS­G.

So, if I want­ed a "toy" project to prac­tice new (to me) pro­gram­ming lan­guages, why not re­write that?

And why not write about how it goes while I do it?

Hence this.

So, what's Crystal?

It's (they say) "A lan­guage for hu­mans and com­put­er­s". In short: a com­piled, stat­i­cal­ly typed lan­guage with a ru­by flavoured syn­tax.

And why? Again, why not?

Getting started

I in­stalled it us­ing curl and that got me ver­sion 1.8.2 which is the lat­est at the time of writ­ing this.

You can get your project start­ed by run­ning a com­mand:

✦ > crystal init app nicoletta .
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/.gitignore
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/.editorconfig
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/LICENSE
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/shard.yml
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/src/
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/spec/
    create  /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/spec/
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ralsina/zig/nicoletta/crystal/.git/

Some maybe in­ter­est­ing bit­s:

  • It inits a git re­po, with a git­ig­nore in it
  • Sets you up with a MIT li­cense
  • Cre­ates a rea­son­able README with nice place­hold­ers
  • We get a shard.ymlwith metadata
  • Source code in src/
  • spec/ seems to be for tests?

Mind you, I still have ze­ro idea about the lan­guage :-)

This ap­par­ent­ly com­piles in­to a do-noth­ing pro­gram, which is ok. Sur­prisied to see star­ship seems to sup­port crys­tal in the promp­t!

crystal on  main [?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🔮 v1.8.2 
> crystal build src/

crystal on  main [?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🔮 v1.8.2 
> ls -l
total 1748
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ralsina ralsina    2085 may 31 18:15
-rw-r--r-- 1 ralsina ralsina    1098 may 31 18:08 LICENSE
-rwxrwxr-x 1 ralsina ralsina 1762896 may 31 18:15 nicoletta*
-rw-r--r-- 1 ralsina ralsina     604 may 31 18:08
-rw-r--r-- 1 ralsina ralsina     167 may 31 18:08 shard.yml
drwxrwxr-x 2 ralsina ralsina    4096 may 31 18:08 spec/
drwxrwxr-x 2 ralsina ralsina    4096 may 31 18:08 src/

Per­haps a bit sur­pris­ing that the do-noth­ing bi­na­ry is 1.7MB tho (1.2MB stripped) but it's just 380KB in "re­lease mod­e" which is nice.

Learning a Bit of Crystal

At this point I will stop and learn some syn­tax:

  • How to de­clare a vari­able / a lit­er­al / a con­stant
  • How to do an if / loop
  • How to de­fine / call a func­tion

Be­cause you know, one has to know at least that much 😁

There seems to be a de­cent set of tu­to­ri­als at this lev­el. let's see how it look­s.

Good thing: this is valid Crys­tal:

module Nicoletta
  VERSION = "0.1.0"

  😀 = "Hello world"
  puts 😀 

Al­so nice that vari­ables can change type.

Having the docs say integers are int32 and anything else is "for special use cases" is not great. int32 is small.

Al­so not a huge fan of sep­a­rate un­signed type­s.

I hate the "spaceship operator" <==> which "compares its operands and returns a value that is either zero (both operands are equal), a positive value (the first operand is bigger), or a negative value (the second operand is bigger)" ... hate it.

Num­bers have named meth­od­s, which is nice. How­ev­er it ran­dom­ly shows some weird syn­tax that has not been seen be­fore. One of these is not like the oth­er­s:

p! -5.abs,   # absolute value
  4.3.round, # round to nearest integer
  5.even?,   # odd/even check
  10.gcd(16) # greatest common divisor

Or maybe the ? is just part of the method name? Who knows! Not me!

Nice string in­ter­po­la­tion thingie.

name = "Crystal"
puts "Hello #{name}"

Why would anyone add an underscore method to strings? That's just weird.

Slices are reasonable, whatever[x..y] uses negative indexes for "from the right".

We have truthy val­ues, 0 is truthy, on­ly nil, false and null point­ers are fal­sy. Ok.

I strongly dislike using unless as a keyword instead of if with a negated condition. I consider that to be keyword proliferation and cutesy.

Meth­ods sup­port over­load­ing. Ok.

Ok, I know just enough Crys­tal to be slight­ly dan­ger­ous. Those feel like good tu­to­ri­al­s. Short, to the point, give you enough rope to ... make some­thing with rope, or what­ev­er.

Learning a Bit More Crystal

So: er­rors? Class­es? Block­s? How?

Class­es are pret­ty straight­for­ward ... ap­par­ent­ly they are a bit frowned up­on for per­for­mance rea­sons be­cause they are heap al­lo­cat­ed, but what­evs.

In­her­i­tance with method over­load­ing is not my cup of tea but 🤷

Exceptions are pretty simple but begin / rescue / else / ensure / end? Eek.

Also, I find that variables have nil type in the ensure block confusing.

Re­quir­ing files is not go­ing to be a prob­lem.

Blocks are in­ter­est­ing but I am not go­ing to try to use them yet.

Dinner Break

I will grab din­ner, and then try to im­ple­ment Nico­let­ta, some­how. I'll prob­a­bly fail 😅

Implementing Nicoletta

The code for nico­let­ta is not long so this should be a piece of cake.

No need to have a main in Crystal. Things just are executed.

First, I need a way to read the con­fig­u­ra­tion. It looks like this:

TITLE: "Nicoletta Test Blog"

That is tech­ni­cal­ly YAML so sure­ly there is a crys­tal thing to read it. In fac­t, it's in the stan­dard li­brary! This frag­ment work­s:

require "yaml"

VERSION = "0.1.0"

tpl_data ="conf") do |file|
p! tpl_data

And when ex­e­cut­ed does this, which is cor­rec­t:

crystal on  main [!?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🔮 v1.8.2 
> crystal run src/
tpl_data # => {"TITLE" => "Nicoletta Test Blog"}

Looks like what I want to store this sort of da­ta is a Hash

Next step: read tem­plates and put them in a hash in­dexed by path.

Templates are files in templates/ which look like this:

<h2><a href="${link}">${title}</a></h2>
date: ${date}

Of course the syn­tax will prob­a­bly have to change, but for now I don't care.

To find all files in templates I can apparently use Dir.glob

And I swear I wrote this al­most in the first at­temp­t:

# Load templates
templates = {} of String => String
Dir.glob("templates/*.tmpl").each do |path|
  templates[path] =

Next is iterating over all files in posts/ (which are meant to be markdown with YAML metadata on top) and do things with them.

It­er­at­ing them is the same as be­fore (hey, this is nice)

Dir.glob("posts/*.md").each do |path|
  # Stuff

But I will need a Post class and so on, so...

Here is a Post class that is initialized by a path, parses metadata and keeps the text.

class Post
  def initialize(path)
    contents =
    metadata, @text = contents.split("\n\n", 2)
    @metadata = YAML.parse(metadata)
  @metadata : YAML::Any
  @text : String

Next step is to give that class a method to parse the mark­down and con­vert it to HTM­L.

I am not im­ple­ment­ing that so I googled for a Crys­tal mark­down im­ple­men­ta­tion and found markd which is sad­ly aban­doned but looks ok.

Using it is surprisingly painless thanks to Crystal's shards dependency manager. First, I added it to shard.yml:

   github: icyleaf/markd

Ran shards install:

crystal on  main [!+?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🔮 v1.8.2 
> shards install
Resolving dependencies
Installing markd (0.5.0)
Writing shard.lock

Then added a require "markd", slapped this code in the Post class and that's it:

  def html

Here is the code to parse all the posts and hold them in an ar­ray:

posts = [] of Post

Dir.glob("posts/*.md").each do |path|
  posts <<

Now I need a Crys­tal im­ple­men­ta­tion of some tem­plate lan­guage, some­thing like han­dle­bars, I don't need much!

The stan­dard li­brary has a tem­plate lan­guage called ECR which is pret­ty nice but it's com­pile-­time and I need this to be done in run­time. So googled and found ... Kilt

I will use the crus­tache vari­ant, which im­ple­ments the Mus­tache stan­dard.

Again, added the dependency to shard.yml and ran shards install:

   github: icyleaf/markd
   github: MakeNowJust/crustache

Af­ter some refac­tor­ing of tem­plate code, the tem­plate load­er now looks like this:

class Template
  @text : String
  @compiled : Crustache::Syntax::Template

  def initialize(path)
    @text =
    @compiled = Crustache.parse(@text)

# Load templates
templates = {} of String => Template

Dir.glob("templates/*.tmpl").each do |path|
  templates[path] =

I changed the tem­plates from what­ev­er they were be­fore to mus­tache:

<h2><a href="{{link}}">{{title}}</a></h2>
date: {{date}}

I can now implement Post.render... except that top-level variables like templates are not accessible from inside classes and that messes up my code, so it needs refactoring. So.

This sure as hell is not id­iomat­ic Crys­tal, but bear with me, I am a be­gin­ner here.

This scans for all posts, then prints them rendered with the post.tmpl template:

class Post
  @metadata = {} of YAML::Any => YAML::Any
  @text : String
  @link : String
  @html : String

  def initialize(path)
    contents =
    metadata, @text = contents.split("\n\n", 2)
    @metadata = YAML.parse(metadata).as_h
    @link = path.split("/")[-1][0..-4] + ".html"
    @html = Markd.to_html(@text)

  def render(template)
    Crustache.render template.@compiled, @metadata.merge({"link" => @link, "text" => @html})

posts = [] of Post

Dir.glob("posts/*.md").each do |path|
  posts <<
  p! p.render templates["templates/post.tmpl"]

Believe it or not, this is almost done. Now I need to make it output that (passed through another template) into the right path in a output/ folder.

This al­most work­s:

Dir.glob("posts/*.md").each do |path|
  post =
  rendered_post = post.render templates["templates/post.tmpl"]
  rendered_page = Crustache.render(templates["templates/page.tmpl"].@compiled,
      "content" => rendered_post,
    }))"output/#{post.@link}", "w") do |io|
    io.puts rendered_page

For some rea­son all my HTML is es­caped, I think that's the tem­plate en­gine try­ing to be safe 😤

Turns out I had to use TRIPLE han­dle­bars to print un­escaped HTM­L, so af­ter a small fix in the tem­plates...

A small HTML page

So, suc­cess! It has been fun, and I quite like the lan­guage!

I pub­lished it at my git serv­er but here's the full source code, all 60 lines of it:

# Nicoletta, a minimal static site generator.

require "yaml"
require "markd"
require "crustache"

VERSION = "0.1.0"

# Load config file
tpl_data ="conf") do |file|

class Template
  @text : String
  @compiled : Crustache::Syntax::Template

  def initialize(path)
    @text =
    @compiled = Crustache.parse(@text)

# Load templates
templates = {} of String => Template

Dir.glob("templates/*.tmpl").each do |path|
  templates[path] =

class Post
  @metadata = {} of YAML::Any => YAML::Any
  @text : String
  @link : String
  @html : String

  def initialize(path)
    contents =
    metadata, @text = contents.split("\n\n", 2)
    @metadata = YAML.parse(metadata).as_h
    @link = path.split("/")[-1][0..-4] + ".html"
    @html = Markd.to_html(@text)

  def render(template)
    Crustache.render template.@compiled, @metadata.merge({"link" => @link, "text" => @html})

Dir.glob("posts/*.md").each do |path|
  post =
  rendered_post = post.render templates["templates/post.tmpl"]
  rendered_page = Crustache.render(templates["templates/page.tmpl"].@compiled,
      "content" => rendered_post,
    }))"output/#{post.@link}", "w") do |io|
    io.puts rendered_page

Keeper of Enchanted Rooms (Whimbrel House, #1)

Cover for Keeper of Enchanted Rooms (Whimbrel House, #1)


Fun sto­ry. While it's about mag­ic and it has a sort of mag­ic sys­tem it feels more like a late 19th cen­tu­ry nov­el of man­ner­s, with just some mi­nor mag­i­cal el­e­ments in it.

If you like that kind of thing, then this is your kind of thing?

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina