How to Rule an Empire and Get Away with It (The Siege #2)
Review:Are the characters nihilistic, casually cruel, sexist? Sure. It's a problematic book in that way. |
Review:Are the characters nihilistic, casually cruel, sexist? Sure. It's a problematic book in that way. |
Review:This was a ton of fun. I was wondering why the tone sounded so familiar when I saw "a pseudonym for Tom Holt" and then I remembered I really liked "Expecting someone taller", which he wrote. |
Ahora que tengo 50 y he pasado la mitad de mi vida aún en las hipótesis más optimistas...
Que maduren las frutas, eso no es para mí.
Review:This book has lots of great things, and just a tiny couple of not-so-great ones. |