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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

The Horns of Avalon (Purge of Babylon, #8)

Cover for The Horns of Avalon (Purge of Babylon, #8)


The se­ries is re­al­ly run­ning out of steam. OTO­H, the au­thor says the next one is the last one, and I will prob­a­bly read it since I have al­ready read a bazil­lion of these.

Zero's Return (The Legend of ZERO, #3)

Cover for Zero's Return (The Legend of ZERO, #3)


Sigh. The 1st book was too gory. The 2nd book was ad­ven­ture. The 3rd book is shame­less.

So, it starts with a twist, sets some things up, then wan­ders around for hun­dreds of pages do­ing noth­ing much, then ends with what amounts to ad­ver­tis­ing for a sec­ond tril­o­gy. Prob­a­bly not both­er­ing.

Zero Recall (The Legend of ZERO, #2)

Cover for Zero Recall (The Legend of ZERO, #2)


It's a fun se­ries, and a fast read. The au­thor has turned down the gore from the 1st book, which is IMO an im­prove­men­t, since a hero that joins an or­ga­ni­za­tion that dis­solves asth­mat­ic kids heads is a bit of a stretch, and has turned it more in­to an ad­ven­ture thing.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina