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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

The Purge of Babylon (Purge of Babylon, #1)

Cover for The Purge of Babylon (Purge of Babylon, #1)


I was fair­ly sur­prised by this book. It's very, very shal­low, and it's re­al­ly not fun­ny, but it's a page­turn­er. It's like hav­ing a zu­chi­ni / egg­plant sand­wich, two in­gre­di­ents I to­tal­ly hate, yet at the end say­ing "hey, that's not a bad sand­wich". To­tal mis­tery.

The Last Praetorian (The Redemption Trilogy, #1)

Cover for The Last Praetorian (The Redemption Trilogy, #1)


Soft­core space porn? Spacey ro­mance nov­el? Who know. Some un­holy mix of those com­po­nents.

Al­so, ev­ery time two ships en­ter a plan­e­tary sys­tem they will some­how end up 20km away from each oth­er AT MOST. And the rules for FTL tran­si­tion are mad­den­ing.

Ah, and it's a love let­ter to au­to­crat­ic gov­ern­ments.

If it was pub­lished in 1952, it would have been a bit cliched.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina