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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

New in Nikola v6 III: comment alternatives

I am plan­ning to do a ma­jor re­lea­se (ver­sion 6!) of Niko­la my sta­tic blog and si­te ge­ne­ra­tor the next weeken­d. It's a ma­jor ver­sion be­cau­se the­re has been a ton of fea­tu­re wo­rk do­ne. So, I wi­ll do a qui­ck se­ries hi­gh­li­gh­ting so­me of tho­se im­pro­ve­men­ts this week.

Today's Topic: Comments

Niko­la has su­pported 3rd par­ty co­m­ment ser­vi­ces sin­ce day one. Be­cau­se it started as "so­me­thing that ge­ne­ra­tes my si­te", it su­pported the co­m­ment sys­tem I was using (and sti­ll am usin­g), Dis­qus.

The­re is no­thing wrong wi­th Dis­qus, and it wi­ll be the de­fault in v6, but if you want so­me­thing el­se... we got you co­ve­re­d.

So Niko­la v6 su­ppor­ts:

All wi­th just mi­nor chan­ges in your con­fi­g. Be­cau­se of how it's do­ne, all the­mes wi­ll su­pport all co­m­ment sys­te­ms wi­th at most ve­ry mi­nor tweaks.

If you know of any other co­m­ment sys­te­ms wor­th su­ppor­tin­g, just open an is­sue and I'­ll get them in.


Thanks to Kw­pol­ska and pun­cha­gan now Google+ and Fa­ce­book are al­so su­pported for co­m­men­ts.

New in Nikola v6 part II: We Love Javascript

I am plan­ning to do a ma­jor re­lea­se (ver­sion 6!) of Niko­la my sta­tic blog and si­te ge­ne­ra­tor the next weeken­d. It's a ma­jor ver­sion be­cau­se the­re has been a ton of fea­tu­re wo­rk do­ne. So, I wi­ll do a qui­ck se­ries hi­gh­li­gh­ting so­me of tho­se im­pro­ve­men­ts this week.

Today's Topic: Javascript

So, Niko­la buil­ds sta­tic pa­ges. Like I often sa­y, that does­n't mean they ha­ve to be bo­ring. IN this re­lea­se, Niko­la's tem­pla­tes are or­ga­ni­zed in su­ch a way that it's ea­sy to crea­te com­plex ja­vas­crip­t-­ba­sed la­you­ts. Le­t's see an exam­ple.

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New in Nikola v6 part I: Typography

I am plan­ning to do a ma­jor re­lea­se (ver­sion 6!) of Niko­la my sta­tic blog and si­te ge­ne­ra­tor the next weeken­d. It's a ma­jor ver­sion be­cau­se the­re has been a ton of fea­tu­re wo­rk do­ne. So, I wi­ll do a qui­ck se­ries hi­gh­li­gh­ting so­me of tho­se im­pro­ve­men­ts this week.

Today's Topic: Typography.

Niko­la us­ed to su­ck at this. It pro­du­ced si­tes like most web­si­tes: ab­so­lu­te gar­ba­ge when it ca­me to ty­po­gra­ph­y. So, we fixed it.

He­re is what a cer­tain sec­tion of A Study in Scar­let looked like when built using Niko­la 5.5.1 (the cu­rrent re­lea­se):

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Six Earlier Days (Every Day, #0.5)

Cover for Six Earlier Days (Every Day, #0.5)


Ev­ery­thing good about Ev­ery Day is here, and ev­ery­thing bad is here too, both just small­er. So, 4 small stars.


Cover for You


Any­one who has ev­er been in­volved in a long-lived project knows the feel­ing this book de­scribes. It's fun, it's de­cent­ly writ­ten, and it has that feel­ing. I liked it.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina