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Overscan Fix for Intel on a Cheap TV

I got a rea­ll­y, rea­lly cheap 24" 1080p TV to use as a mo­ni­to­r.

On­ce I fi­na­lly got hold of the mi­cro­-HD­MI->HD­MI adap­ter and plu­gged it in, of cour­se, I ran in­to overscan is­sues.

What's overscan?

When TVs get a fu­ll re­so­lu­tion feed over HD­MI, then zoom it a bit and trim the edges be­cau­se tv sig­nals usua­lly ha­ve gar­ba­ge the­re.

Ho­we­ve­r, com­pu­te­r's do­n'­t. In fac­t, be­cau­se of Fi­tt's law, the edges are so­me of the most in­te­res­ting bi­ts of the screen.

The usual so­lu­tion for this is to set a spe­ci­fic mo­de in the TV me­nus, like "1:1" or "Just scan" whi­ch di­sa­bles overscan. But this is a ve­ry cheap TV and has no su­ch things.

The se­cond usual so­lu­tion is to use nvi­dia uti­li­ties and con­fi­gu­re "un­derscan". But I ha­ve an in­tel board and can't do su­ch things.

The third usual so­lu­tion is to use "x­ran­dr --­trans­for­m" to tweak the screen. But that makes the ri­ght and bo­ttom edges be hi­dden.

The four­th usual so­lu­tion is to se­tup a cus­tom mo­de that does­n't tri­gger the TV's overscan, but that means you are not doing 1:1 pixels and things look ugly

The fi­fth usual so­lu­tion is to use a VGA in­pu­t, whi­ch has no overscan. But my VGA adap­te­r/­ca­ble com­bi­na­tion pro­du­ces fu­z­zy ima­ge and the TV can't qui­te sync it, so I lo­se the le­ft edge.

The sixth (not quite usual solution) is to use xrandr --ou­tput HD­MI --set au­dio for­ce-­d­vi because that will trigger some random combination of side effects in the intel driver and make the TV believe it's getting DVI input (the TV even says DVI on its mode info!?!) and not overscan.

But that ma­de my screen look pur­ple.

So, seventh solution, which worked for me: xrandr --ou­tput HD­MI --set au­dio for­ce-­d­vi --­mo­de 1920­x1080i

UP­DA­TE: The ima­ge qua­li­ty in 1080i is not as good as 1080­p, and the pur­ple tint is pro­ba­bly fi­xa­ble using xran­dr's --­ga­m­ma op­tio­n.

And no, I ha­ve no ex­pla­na­tion for it.

Changeless (Parasol Protectorate, #2)

Cover for Changeless (Parasol Protectorate, #2)


I have very mixed feel­ings.

It was en­ter­tain­ing, but it seems I can't buy book #3 be­cause of re­gion­al re­stric­tions in the Kobo and Ama­zon book stores. I *can* buy #4 and #5 but why would I do that if I can't read the mid­dle book.

This may just be an­noy­ing enough to put me off the se­ries :-(

Nikola Themes Repo is Now Official

Des­de ha­ce unos mi­nu­to­s, el co­man­do "ins­ta­ll_­the­me" de Niko­la gi­thub mas­ter saca los te­mas de http://­the­me­s.­niko­la.­ral­si­na.­me

Así que de gol­pe, en vez de 2 te­mas pa­ra ba­ja­r, hay 65 (aun­que la ma­yo­ría son va­ria­cio­nes via bootswa­tch de 2 te­ma­s, jin­ja-­de­fault es iden­ti­co a de­faul­t, y or­phan no sir­ve pa­ra na­da ;-)

¡Y aho­ra po­dés con­tri­buir te­ma­s! ¿Có­mo?

  1. Da­­me un pu­­ll re­­quest en http­s://­­gi­­thu­­b.­­co­­­m/­­ra­l­­si­­na/­­niko­­­la-­­the­­mes

    Po­­­né tu te­­ma en the­­me­s/ y man­­dá el pu­­ll re­­quest

  2. Man­­dá­­me un zip de tu te­­ma y yo lo agre­­go

Los te­mas con­tri­bui­dos van a tar­dar un ra­to en apa­re­cer por­que hay que re­vi­sar­los pa­ra sa­ber que no tie­nen có­di­go ma­li­cio­so, pe­ro los voy a pro­ce­s­ar, len­to pe­ro se­gu­ro. Si ya me man­das­te un te­ma y nun­ca lo pu­se en nin­gún la­do, te pi­do dis­cul­pas y que en­cuen­tres las ga­nas de in­ten­tar de nue­vo :-)

El si­tio de te­mas en sí no es exac­ta­men­te her­mo­so, pe­ro es fun­cio­na­l, y po­dés ba­jar los te­mas de ahí, ver si­tios de de­mo pa­ra ca­da te­ma, y has­ta hay screens­ho­ts au­to­ge­ne­ra­dos (que la­men­ta­ble­men­te no mues­tran los we­bfon­ts)

Necessary Evil (The Milkweed Triptych, #3)

Cover for Necessary Evil (The Milkweed Triptych, #3)


Wor­thy clo­sure for a great tril­o­gy. It makes the bleak­ness of the sec­ond book mean­ing­ful, and, like the first two, it just feels re­al.

That is not a small achieve­men­t. Char­ac­ters are fleshed out, ac­tions make sense, plot moves for­ward like a train.

Re­al­ly liked this book.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina