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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Bypass Gemini (Big Sigma, #1)

Cover for Bypass Gemini (Big Sigma, #1)


This book is what it is. If what you want is a fun book about a guy who gets in a lot of trou­ble and then gets out of trou­ble (genre I think should be giv­en a nice long ger­man word for a name), this is one, and good at it.

It gets rock­et physics very wrong (rock­ets don't work bet­ter when they have some­thing to "push of­f"), but that's a very mi­nor nit­pick.

Improved Importer and a Question

Thanks to the co­op­er­a­tion of Hu­mi­tos who gave me his word­press back­up, I did some im­prove­ments in the word­press.­com im­port fea­ture of Niko­la, my stat­ic web­site/blog gen­er­a­tor

So, if you were to try to use nikola_wordpress_importer from master now, it would:

  1. Not crash ;-)

  2. Down­load at­­tach­­ments

  3. Fix links to at­­tach­­ments so they work on the new site

How­ev­er, I am now un­sure of what ex­act­ly is in word­press.­com's ex­port XML file. The posts them­selves are in this for­m:

Muchas gracias Nico por hacer el video este. Groso, quedó muy bueno.


Two things jump to me:

  1. That's not HTML

  2. WTF is that youtube thing?

I am hav­ing some suc­cess pro­cess­ing it as mark­down, since that han­dles the para­graph breaks and some oth­er stuff. Maybe the youtube em­bed­ding is done with a mark­down ex­ten­sion?

Any­one knows?

Nuevo Feature en Nikola: Importer

Qué An­da:

  • Po­s­­ts

  • Pá­­gi­­nas

  • Bo­­­rra­­do­­­res

  • Tags

  • In­­fo­r­­ma­­ción pe­r­­so­­­nal

No an­da:

  • Co­­­men­­ta­­rios

  • Li­nks en­­tre po­s­­ts y pá­­gi­­nas se de­­jan­­tal cual

  • La sali­­da es muy ge­­né­­ri­­ca

Necesita teesting, así que siéntanse libres de agarrar master y probarlo. Suponiendo que foo.xml contiene tus datos de

nikola_import_wordpress foo.xml
cd new_site
doit && doit serve

Y apun­tá tu bro­w­ser a http://­lo­calhos­t:8000 pa­ra ver qué hi­zo :-)

Ajustes menores del generado pueden ser necesarios para un mejor resultado.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina