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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre urssus (publicaciones antiguas, página 5)

Urssus: Sorry about 0.2.9

Tru­ly a pa­perbag re­lease. But there's still hope!

While 0.2.9 had a num­ber of bugs and aw­ful per­for­mance, I have to say that the cur­rent svn re­vi­sions are much, much, bet­ter.

  • Snap­py per­­for­­mance (ok, not quite snap­py, but snap­pi­er than 0.2.0)

  • Fi­­nal­­ly a co­her­ent nex/pre­vi­ous/what­ev­er mech­a­nis­m. The on­­ly bro­ken piece is that posts may van­ish from view when the feed is up­­­dat­ed (and I can fix that, too).

  • Fixed is­­sues 16,14 and 22

So, 0.2.10, com­ing tonight, should be a pret­ty good one.

Urssus: 0.2.9 is out

Ver­sion 0.2.9 of uRSSus, my news agre­ga­tor is out. Many new fea­tures in­clud­ing:

  • Dif­fer­­ent lay­outs (reg­u­lar/widescreen/­­com­bined, aka river-of-news)

  • Twit­ter about things you see on uRSSus with a sin­­gle click

  • Many many bug­­fix­es

  • Lots of UI im­prove­­ments

And so on.

Urssus: import from google reader

It was rather easy be­cause I did­n't do the hard part (thanks au­thors of pyr­feed!)and now uRSSus has a sim­ple "im­port my sub­scrip­tions from Google Read­er" ac­tion.

All I can say is "it works for me" and "Google sure strips da­ta from the feed­s!".

It will im­port your tags as top-lev­el fold­ers (merged with what­ev­er you al­ready had).

Should be smart enough not to du­pli­cate feeds or fold­er­s.

If a feed is in more than one fold­er, it will show in the first list­ed by google (no idea what the or­der is).

Urssus: August 2nd - going small

Most­ly, I spent my two hours to­day refac­tor­ing. But al­so, test­ing how uRSSus looks on a small screen. Take a look:


This is urssus in the con­fig­u­ra­tion I liked best on my 7", 800x480 eeeP­C's screen.

As you can see, a more com­pact tem­plate for the com­bined view is a must, and I will im­ple­ment a com­pact tem­plate. Or maybe just make a con­fig­u­ra­tion op­tion where you choose what tem­plate the com­bined view us­es, to avoid the mul­ti­pli­ca­tion of "mod­es" that are the ex­act same thing un­der the hood.

Us­ing com­bined view with all bars hid­den and fullscreen makes for a rather large read­ing area, which is nice.

The per­for­mance in that lim­it­ed com­put­er was good... un­til the mem­o­ry us­age bal­loon­s. While uRSSus is not too CPU hun­gry, it's pret­ty mem­o­ry in­ten­sive. There are ob­vi­ous ways to im­prove that, of course, and I am ex­plor­ing them.

BTW, I have not mea­sured this in a while: 1957 lines of code. And still quite fun!

Urssus: no release today

I had planned to re­lease a new ver­sion to­day, but there are too many untest­ed fea­tures. A list:

  • Feed re­order­ing via drag and drop

  • Unique ap­p. The sec­ond uRSSus just makesthe first one op­er­ate.

  • Lots of refac­­tor­ing to cleanup View/­­Mod­­el re­lat­ed things.

Since it's a lot of code, it will need a day or two of test­ing. Or a week.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina