Por esto es que Linux no está listo para el escritorio
Por lo menos, eso hizo en mi notebook y tardé un mes en arreglarlo.
Por lo menos, eso hizo en mi notebook y tardé un mes en arreglarlo.
Este post es para reírse un ratito. Este no debería ser su server. Es una solución temporal debido a multiples fallas simultaneas de hardware. Esta es una empresa grande y bien administrada, y esta situación irregular se va a resolver pronto. Y de todas formas funciona.
Como saben, Linux puede hacer este tipo de trabajo sin grandes requerimientos de hardware. Después de todo, sólo necesita manejar unos 3 Mbps de datos, y este equipo tiene 2GB de RAM, así que hay mucho lugar para un caché rápido.
Así que tengamos un poco de buenas/malas noticias.
Buenas noticias: Es un verdadero servidor IBM! Malas noticias: Es un IBM Netfinity 5000 (modelo 3Ry)!
Aquí hay un poco de información técnica de IBM.
Buenas noticias: Tiene 2 CPUs! Malas noticias: Son dos Pentium II de 450Mhz.
Buenas noticias: soporta discos SCSI hot-swap! Malas noticias: no hay discos para esa controladora, así que vamos a usar este disco IDE PATA de 8GB!
Y lo vamos a dejar ahí sentado junto a la lectora de CD, junto al agujero adonde irían los discos SCSI.
Malas noticias: tiende a recalentarse! Buenas noticias! tenemos cómo mantener el café tibio!
But then you start seeing how your "not preprocessed" queue starts growing, and growing...
This can also mean things like clamav or spamassassin, which need to check the mail before it gets queued are not keeping up with the mail flow, or maybe some IO performace issue.
But what can you do righ now to fix it?
Well, you can disable spamassassin, or, in extreme cases, shutdown SMTP so the system has a chance to catch its breath so to speak.
Of course, closing SMTP means your own users can't send email either, which sucks.
Now there is a lighter alternative: shutdown SMTP for those who are not your users.
Here's the trivial code, implemented as a SPP plugin:
#!/bin/dash if [ -f /var/qmail/control/overloaded ] then if [ -z "$SMTPAUTHUSER" ] then echo R451 Temporary Failure: Server overload echo overload: $PPID Temporary Failure: Server overload >&2 fi fi
And if you are daring and want to make your system self-correcting, maybe you should cron something like this:
* * * * * if [ `qmail-qstat | tail -1 | cut -d: -f2` -gt 100 ];\ then touch /var/qmail/control/overloaded ;\ else rm -f /var/qmail/control/overloaded; fi
I will probably code it again in C and make it part of ra/plugins.
As I said before, the bastardized Xandros [1] sucked. In fact, I managed to destroy it. So I decided to switch to another distro. Any distro.
Enter eeeXubuntu, a eee-tuned Xubuntu [2].
Since I prefer KDE to XFCE, I started hacking at it, and produced, IMVHO, a much nicer thing.
As you can see, it takes slightly less space than eeeXubuntu's default, and a whooping 1GB less than the default distro.
How did I do it? First, by deciding what I wanted.
No OpenOffice. Koffice is enough to read docs, then there is Google docs, and I produce my texts using docutils
No printing. I have not used a printer in 5 years. What are the odds I will use one from the eee?
wicd for network configuration. It works for wireless/wired/encrypted and has no problem whatsoever reconnecting after suspend.
yakuake for terminal. It uses the least screen-space possible: none if you are not using it.
Firefox + Flash (I would use Konqueror, if flash9 had not broken it)
Kmail + Akregator for mail and RSS
It works great, boots in 35 seconds (and I have not tuned that, yet).
Here's the list of installed packages and here's the list of repos I am using
Maybe someone more enterprising will make a real distro out of it.
I had to do a vry late night job yesterday, so I am not going to do it right today. Probably wednesday.