¡Nikola 4.0.2 liberado!
Versión 4.0.2 de Nikola mi generador de sitios y blos estáticos está lista para usar. Más detalles aquí
Versión 4.0.2 de Nikola mi generador de sitios y blos estáticos está lista para usar. Más detalles aquí
En Nikola mi generador de sitios y blogs estáticos, las páginas de tags solían ser una simple lista de títulos linkeados a los posts del tag.
Ahora pueden (opcionalmente) verse como el resto del blog, pero filtrado. Ojo al piojo.
Necesita retoques (por ejemplo, mencionar el tag en el título), pero la funcionalidad básica (filtrado, paginado, layout, etc) está hecha.
Para habilitarlo en tu sitio, si usás master de git, poné
en tu conf.py.
I have just uploaded release 4 of Nikola my static blog/site generator. Here are some of the changes in this version:
Previous/Next post links
Teaser support
Support posts with HTML "sources"
Site checking script (nikola_check)
Maximum image size in galleries
Image descriptions in galleries
Image exclusion in galleries
Special "draft" tag
Pretty code listings ("code galleries")
Page descriptions
Easy theme tuning via Bootswatch
Support for WebAssets bundles
"Filters" for powerful file post-processing
Improved HTML output
Support multiple time formats in post metadata
Slugify tag names for URLs
Archive path and filename configurable
Galleries sorted by date (supports EXIF)
Rotate gallery thumbnails (EXIF)
Tag feeds in tag pages
Colorbox support in restructured text figures
Fix for content displaying too wide
As usual, you can discuss bugs or make feature requests at the nikola-discuss group and I love to know of sites using Nikola.
Hope you like it!
Two upcoming features for the next release of Nikola, my static site generator, due sometime in August.
Filters let you postprocess your output. Think of it like instagram for websites, but useful. You can configure per file extension a series of python functions or shell commands, which will be applied in place to the output file.
For example, suppose you want to apply yui-compressor to your CSS and JS files:
There, filters.yui_compressor
is a simple wrapper around the command
so that it applies in-place to the output files.
If you use strings there (untested), they are taken as commands. The "%s" will be replaced by the filename, the usual crazy shell quoting rules apply:
Keep in mind that the filters modify the output of Nikola, not the input, so your images, CSS, and JS files will not be touched in any way. And of course changing the filters applied to a file will force a rebuild, so you can experiment freely.
Having many separate CSS or JS files is usually a nono for performance reasons because each one may involve a separate HTTP transaction. The solution is to "bundle" those files in a single, larger file.
The reason not to do that is that usually it means having a huge, uncomfortable thing to handle. So Nikola tries to give you the best of both worlds, by letting you have separate files, and bundling them (or not) on build.
There is a new option, USE_BUNDLES
that defaults to False, and there are
some changes in the theme templates so that it uses the bundled version when
This was only possible thanks to Webassets. However, if you don't have Webassets installed, or you don't enable USE_BUNDLES, this should cause no changes in the output.
These new features will allow Nikola users to improve their site's performance with minimal tweaking, which is always a good thing.
Un primer paso es Nikola-as-a-service, que espara usuarios muy técnicos, pero pone la infraestructura para que esto funcione.
En el video de abajo, van a ver esto:
Voy a GitHub
Forkeo un blog de demo
Voy al sitio de nikola-as-a-service y me logueo via twitter
Creo un sitio usando la URL del repo de mi fork
Obtengo una URL del "webhook" y la cargo en el admin de github para post-commit
Edito un archivo en la UI web de GitHub y lo commiteo (por supuesto, podría pushear con cualquier cliente git)
Automáticamente, el sitio en nikola-as-a-service se actualiza.
Por favor no intenten usar esto porque:
Está en un server de U$S 4.50
Es el mismo server que mi blog
Lo voy a apagar y borrar todo dentro de un rato
Estoy editando el código directamente en el server, así que en cualquier momento lo rompo.