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Publicaciones sobre goodreads (publicaciones antiguas, página 98)

The Assimilated Cuban's Guide to Quantum Santeria

Cover for The Assimilated Cuban's Guide to Quantum Santeria
  • Au­thor: Car­los Her­nan­dez
  • Rat­ing: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • See in goodreads


One of the best short sto­ry col­lec­tions I have read in the past few years. Fun­ny, in­ter­est­ing, and a page turn­er. It's al­so in­sane­ly quotable, even if most of the quotes would not make sense be­fore read­ing the book, all of these make me gig­gle now:

"He looked like some piebald prophet came to car­ry hu­man­i­ty on­to its next evo­lu­tion"

"I put my faith in ev­ery­thing I did not un­der­stand about the world and stabbed my wife in the as­s"

"And then I al­most kicked a pi­geon"

I would rec­om­mend this book to ... well, any­one, but if you en­joyed a book from Kel­ly Link (I heard some peo­ple don't, po­brecitos) you will like this one. It's not as beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten, but there is a sim­i­lar­i­ty of wit, of whim­sy, of tone. That things can be heart­break­ing and fun­ny at the same time, be­cause life is like that.

Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies

Cover for Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies


Very in­ter­est­ing book, an orig­i­nal mag­ic sys­tem. Re­al­ly liked it.

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