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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre goodreads (publicaciones antiguas, página 135)

Shady Oaks (Bob and Nikki, #3)

Cover for Shady Oaks (Bob and Nikki, #3)


Bet­ter than the sec­ond one

There is some con­flict rather than just a fan­ta­sy of com­pe­tence. I don't know, re­al­ly, I don't LIKE these but I may read an­oth­er one just in case.

Whammo Ranch (Bob and Nikki, #2)

Cover for Whammo Ranch (Bob and Nikki, #2)


Meh twice

Again, looks like it was writ­ten over a week­end. Needs edit­ing. Au­thor is not as fun as he thinks he is, and it has no ar­gu­ment at al­l.

Gonna try book three but un­less it gets a lot bet­ter that's it.

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