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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre goodreads (publicaciones antiguas, página 11)

Personal Injuries (Kindle County Legal Thriller, #5)

Cover for Personal Injuries (Kindle County Legal Thriller, #5)


Some nov­els are all ac­tion and no char­ac­ter build­ing. Scott Tur­ow's nov­els tend to be all char­ac­ter build­ing which works as ac­tion.

The whole "there is no bot­tom with this guy" thing, the bot­tom it­self, the manda­to­ry twist, are all well done, the writ­ing is strange, spe­cial­ly the point of view used (a seem­ing­ly om­ni­scient mi­nor char­ac­ter?), but all is for­giv­en.

The Infinity Plague (Biowarriors, #1)

Cover for The Infinity Plague (Biowarriors, #1)


One of the weak­est sci­fi books I've read in the last two or three years.

Skip it and read some­thing for free from Baen's free li­brary: ev­ery­thing there is bet­ter than this.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina