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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre goodreads (publicaciones antiguas, página 107)

On Silver Wings (Hayden War Cycle, #1)

Cover for On Silver Wings (Hayden War Cycle, #1)


Good pop­corn mil-s­ci­fi.

OTO­H, would it KILL writ­ers who cre­ate char­ac­ters from a spe­cif­ic cul­tur­al back­ground to spend 5 min­utes vet­ting their names with peo­ple from sim­i­lar back­ground­s?

The main char­ac­ter is called So­ril­la Ai­da. And she's sup­posed to be mex­i­can. That's about as like­ly as a char­ac­ter from South Car­oli­na called Skunky.

The Will to Battle (Terra Ignota, #3)

Cover for The Will to Battle (Terra Ignota, #3)


This is a book about some­thing that does­n't hap­pen in this book.

That should make it a very bad book. It is a very good book in­stead.

Points of Impact (Frontlines, #6)

Cover for Points of Impact (Frontlines, #6)


This se­ries is get­ting a lit­tle too sce­nes-of-­do­mes­tic­i­ty-in-the-mil­i­taris­tic-­fu­ture than I pre­fer.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina