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Publicaciones sobre goodreads (publicaciones antiguas, página 105)

The Handmaid's Tale (The Handmaid's Tale, #1)

Cover for The Handmaid's Tale (The Handmaid's Tale, #1)


A true clas­sic. As most clas­sics it's not ex­act­ly a light read, and this one in par­tic­u­lar is un­re­lent­ing­ly de­press­ing.

Stil­l, a must read.

A spe­cial +1 to Claire Danes read­ing in the au­dio­book, it's amaz­ing.

Skullsworn (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne, #4)

Cover for Skullsworn (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne, #4)


The whole Un­hewn Throne se­ries is awe­some. This may be my favourite book in it.

What the au­thor achieves with the main char­ac­ter is as­ton­ish­ing, and al­most feels like he lost a bet and was forced to make a sym­pa­thet­ic lead out of some­one de­vot­ed to a death cult. But it work­s.

Run Program

Cover for Run Program


I want­ed to love this book like I love the au­thor's pre­vi­ous ones. But I could not.

It's prob­a­bly me, not him, since I am hav­ing a hard time fin­ish­ing books late­ly, which means I am sort of forc­ing it. So, don't wor­ry Scot­t!


Cover for Cumulus


So, Al­pha­bet owns Uber and they are ac­tu­al­ly Way­mos. And Al­pha­bet is owned by this daugh­ter of chi­nese im­mi­grants that likes bas­ket­bal­l, and Steph Cur­ry is a druglo­rd. More or less that's the idea. Not re­al­ly my cup of tea, but not hor­ri­ble by any mean­s.

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