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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre books (publicaciones antiguas, página 93)

Too Like the Lightning (Terra Ignota, #1)

Cover for Too Like the Lightning (Terra Ignota, #1)


This book is sooooooooooo good.

At first it was hard to fol­low, too many char­ac­ter­s, too many things hap­pen­ing, the world too strange. About half through the book it all clicked and it be­came ab­surd­ly en­joy­able. I am lit­er­al­ly in pain be­cause the sec­ond part of the duol­o­gy is not avail­able yet.

Al­so, the idea of world­build­ing so that the most im­por­tant en­ter­prise for hu­mankind is sort of a free Uber is hi­lar­i­ous.

Used Aliens

Cover for Used Aliens


Satire in the Dou­glas Adams style, but of course noone is Dou­glas Adams (not even Dou­glas Adams most days)

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina