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Publicaciones sobre books (publicaciones antiguas, página 76)

The Providence of Fire (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne, #2)

Cover for The Providence of Fire (Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne, #2)


It was a rough start. I had read the first book a while ago, and, to be hon­est, did­n't re­mem­ber enough of the set­ting and char­ac­ters to make sense of what I was read­ing.

Then it all came back, and the roller­coast­er start­ed. This book has some se­ri­ous mo­tor. THINGS HAP­PEN. And then more things hap­pen. And then some more. Oth­er writ­ers would make a whole tril­o­gy with this much plot!

A lot of fun, the world build­ing goes from in­ter­est­ing to im­pres­sive. I did miss some maps to make sense of the big bat­tle, maybe it's just that the kin­dle ver­sion did­n't have them, or that I just did­n't see them.

Look­ing for­ward to #3

Meta (Meta, #1)

Cover for Meta (Meta, #1)


I grade books like Roger Ebert grad­ed movies: com­pared to ex­pec­ta­tion­s.

If I am giv­en an ac­claimed clas­sic like A Can­ti­cle for Lei­bow­itz, and it ends up claim­ing ba­bies suf­fer­ing ag­o­niz­ing deaths are a good thing be­cause god likes to see them go through it, and has no moral prob­lems with that, even propos­ing that as the su­pe­ri­or moral po­si­tion, the gross­ness of its ide­ol­o­gy makes it hard for me to ig­nore that the book's ar­gu­ment is al­so crap, so 1 star.

On the oth­er hand, you have books like Meta. Clas­sic? No. Ac­claimed? No. Fun? Sure. Bad­ly writ­ten? No. A quick read that leaves you won­der­ing what hap­pens nex­t? Yes. So 3 stars.

A Canticle for Leibowitz (St. Leibowitz, #1)

Cover for A Canticle for Leibowitz (St. Leibowitz, #1)


Yes, sure this is a clas­sic, but it has aged hor­ri­bly. It's a paean to re­ac­tionary, con­ser­va­tive "thought", the sparse plot makes no sense, and it's so deeply in­vest­ed on catholi­cism it reeks of stale con­se­crat­ed wine.

The catholic equiv­a­lent of a rap­ture book.

Would not rec­om­mend if it were the nex­t-­to-last book left in a post-apoc­alip­tic waste­land.

PS: the au­thor some­how seems to feel say­ing some­thing in latin makes it deep and true.

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