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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre books (publicaciones antiguas, página 41)

Pennies for the Ferryman (Dead Eye #1)

Cover for Pennies for the Ferryman (Dead Eye #1)


There are shaky rules here, and good rules are a nec­es­sary thing when read­ing about this kind of sub­ject­s, at least to me. Oth­er than that, nice, light read. Cheap on Kindle, too.

Confessions of a D-List Supervillain (D-List Supervillain, #1)

Cover for Confessions of a D-List Supervillain (D-List Supervillain, #1)


I was hooked when the "vil­lain" in­stalled a rootk­it on a Lin­ux-pow­ered sen­try bot be­cause the own­er had been neg­li­gent up­dat­ing the in­stalled dis­tro.

Re­al­ly, a lot of fun. The au­thor has sev­er­al cheap books in Ama­zon!


Cover for Amped


Fun read. I sus­pect the whole premise is non­sense, but at least it's non­sense out­side my area of ex­per­tise so I could ig­nore it ;-)

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