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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre books (publicaciones antiguas, página 32)

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)

Cover for The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)


An in­ter­est­ing read. If you be­lieve in the the­o­ry that ev­ery book is a retelling of an an­cient archetype, I sup­pose this one is a riff on the The­seus/Mino­taur sto­ry.

De­cent char­ac­ter de­vel­op­men­t, en­ter­tain­ing sto­ry and writ­ing. All things con­sid­ered, I want to read the oth­er two books now.

Dark Tangos

Cover for Dark Tangos


It gets Buenos Aires ge­og­ra­phy about 80% right, the char­ac­ters don't sound mex­i­can, and there's on­ly two or three phras­es with mis­matched gen­der­s.

This may ap­pear to be faint praise, but trust me, it's head and shoul­ders above the av­er­age non-ar­gen­tini­an fic­tion in that re­spec­t, in­clud­ing (spe­cial­ly!) that writ­ten by oth­er span­ish-s­peak­ing writ­er­s.

The sto­ry it­self is sort of thin, and lays the mys­tic "tan­go is a dark dance" way too thick, but that was to be ex­pect­ed just from the ti­tle.

I got this as a free PDF from Bo­ing Bo­ing, and it's not bad.


Cover for Interface


If you are ex­pect­ing "a Neal Stephen­son book" you will be some­what dis­ap­point­ed. It feels more like Chrich­ton, re­al­ly. It's not all that bad.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina