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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre books (publicaciones antiguas, página 14)

The Great Book of Amber (The Chronicles of Amber, #1-10)

Cover for The Great Book of Amber (The Chronicles of Amber, #1-10)


Whoa that was long. Imgine what hap­pens when you read 10 nov­el­s, 4 short sto­ries and then you fin out the au­thor had 5 more nov­els planned bat had the bad idea of dy­ing with­out writ­ing them.

Luck­i­ly there is enough clo­sure af­ter the sec­ond pen­ta­l­o­gy not to feel cheat­ed, and it's a fun (if looooooong) read.

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