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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre books (publicaciones antiguas, página 124)

This Is How You Lose the Time War

Cover for This Is How You Lose the Time War



The epis­to­lary nov­el! Drac­u­la was one, this is an­oth­er one. And in ev­ery oth­er way this book is not Drac­u­la.

It's pret­ty good tho!


Cover for Lifelode


Do­mes­tic fan­ta­sy is a thing?

I had nev­er even heard of this gen­re, but I would prob­a­bly read Jo Wal­ton's gro­cery list, so I did and I am hap­py to have done it.

There Is No Antimemetics Division

Cover for There Is No Antimemetics Division


In­ter­est­ing. Not sure it makes ac­tu­al sense if pieced all to­geth­er, but goes down smooth­ly if not thought too much about.

How to Rule an Empire and Get Away with It (The Siege #2)

Cover for How to Rule an Empire and Get Away with It (The Siege #2)


Are the char­ac­ters ni­hilis­tic, ca­su­al­ly cru­el, sex­ist? Sure. It's a prob­lem­at­ic book in that way.

The "this is Con­stantino­ple ex­cept where I need to change it to help the plot" is prob­lem­at­ic in its own way, too.

Is it some sort of "see, I am not racist be­cause I swapped peo­ple's colours around from the close his­tor­i­cal par­al­lel I am us­ing" crap? Oh yep.

BUT ... I read it in two days, it was fun. So make of that what you will, it's what it is.

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