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Ralsina.Me — El sitio web de Roberto Alsina

Publicaciones sobre books (publicaciones antiguas, página 109)

An Innocent Client (Joe Dillard, #1)

Cover for An Innocent Client (Joe Dillard, #1)


For a change of pace, I read this. I had not read le­gal fic­tion for a long time!

It's ok, fun, not bad­ly writ­ten, even if the main char­ac­ter is:

* A spe­cial forces vet­er­an
* A child abuse sur­vivor
* The best lawyer in town
* In the process of re­tir­ing to be­come a teach­er
* Mar­ried to a gor­geous dancer
* Gor­geous
* Par­ent of a dancer
* Par­ent of a MLB prospect kid
* Work­ing off his 10-acre prop­er­ty over­look­ing a lake
* On­ly work­ing death penal­ty cas­es
* Moral­ly con­flict­ed

Be­cause re­al­ly, there is such a thing as too much back­sto­ry. On the oth­er hand, the plot is kin­da thin.

So, fun short read.


* His moth­er is dy­ing
* His sis­ter is a drug ad­dict who has stolen from him

I am sure I am for­get­ting some­thing else.

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