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Publicaciones sobre airflow

Airflow By Example

Apache Air­flow is a very in­ter­est­ing, pop­u­lar and free tool to cre­ate, man­age and mon­i­tor work­flows, for ex­am­ple if you want to do ETL (Ex­tract / Trans­form / Load) on da­ta.

This sort of en­ter­prise soft­ware of­ten may seem com­pli­cat­ed or over­ly un­re­lat­ed to our ev­ery­day ex­pe­ri­ence as de­vel­op­ers but ... is it, re­al­ly? How about if I just want to watch some TV shows? And ex­per­i­ment with some en­ter­prise-lev­el soft­ware at the same time?

Let's do that by learn­ing how to use Air­flow to watch TV.

Caveat: This post was orig­i­nal­ly a twit­ter thread, that's why all the ex­am­ples are im­ages and you can't copy­/­paste them. But hey, at least they are short. Al­so, ty­pos, be­cause I re­al­ly just did this while tweet­ing it, no prepa­ra­tion be­fore­hand.

Just in case: I did not down­load any "S­tar Trek: Pi­card" es­pisodes, and I have a Prime video sub­scrip­tion, so I don't need to down­load them via tor­ren­t. OTO­H, if Sir Patrick ev­er reads this (which he won't): good job, sir!

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