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Linux packages the not so easy way

Not so easy

The easy way is APT or some­thing sim­i­lar, the hard way is just liv­ing with­out them, this is the not-­so-easy way.

Sit down, this is a rather long sto­ry.

I man­age a pret­ty large num­ber of Lin­ux sys­tems be­long­ing to a bunch of dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies. I do it in Ar­genti­na. That means I don't charge a lot of mon­ey for it. So, any­thing that makes a sys­tem main­te­nance chore take less time (so I can have more clients) is good news for me.

One of the good news is stan­darized soft­ware: I al­ways in­stall the same stuff ev­ery­where, and cur­rent­ly that is the Fe­do­ra dis­tri­bu­tion. While I don't like Red Hat (the com­pa­ny) much, and find their dis­tros rather bland, it works for me, and don't in­tend to change (re­mem­ber, I would change a num­ber of server­s) just out of taste. In the same way, as a mail server, I al­ways in­stall qmail, with a num­ber of patch­es.

I start­ed with the pack­age from http://un­trou­, but it has evolved over the years in­to a dif­fer­ent beast al­to­geth­er, which I re­al­ly should pub­lish some­where, some­day.

For ex­am­ple, my pack­ages come with SMTP au­then­ti­ca­tion en­abled by de­fault, be­cause I sim­ply need it ev­ery­where. Qmail's au­then­ti­ca­tion sys­tem is ad­mirably mod­u­lar. You could write an au­then­ti­ca­tor in bash if you were in­sane enough. But my favourite au­then­ti­ca­tor is check­pass­word-­pam which guess what? does it us­ing the reg­u­lar PAM stuf found on ev­ery Lin­ux dis­tro.

So, I have even made my Qmail RPMs re­quire check­pass­word-­pam, that's sim­ple.

But an­oth­er thing I de­cid­ed a while ago is that I don't want un­man­aged soft­ware pack­ages in my server­s. I will not in­stall some­thing I can't unin­stall eas­i­ly, and in the usu­al man­ner of rpm -e so, I need­ed a check­pass­word-­pam RPM pack­age.

The rea­sons for that de­ci­sion are many, but the big one is: I can main­tain my own ap­t-rpm repos­i­to­ry and make all my very-nice-and-sim­i­lar servers up­date from it in the same way with two sim­ple com­mands if there is a need, so I al­ways have the ex­act same stuff ev­ery­where. That's good.

Sure, mak­ing a pack­age is not ter­ri­bly hard. It's just that I have no idea how it's done. I can hack an ex­ist­ing .spec file just fine, but start­ing one from scratch? I have no idea.

So, here is the lat­est good news: check­in­stall

What it does

Check­in­stall is an in­stal­la­tion track­er. Sup­pose you have the sources for a pro­gram, and want to in­stall it. Usu­al­ly, you do this:

make install

And you end with some files in­stalled some­where in your sys­tem. Maybe you can re­move them with a make unin­stall, prob­a­bly you can't. Maybe next ver­sion will in­stall on the same place, maybe it won't and you will have two copies of some stuff around, maybe you will even end up run­ning the old ver­sion any­way be­cause it end­ed first in the PATH. Ba­si­cal­ly, you just lost con­trol of your sys­tem.

The goal of an in­stal­la­tion track­er is to track down what you in­stalled. There are sev­er­al of the­se, but I will on­ly talk about check­in­stal­l, be­cause it's what I use ;-)

Check­in­stall will cre­ate a RPM (or DEB or TGZ) pack­age for you, which you can lat­er in­stal­l. I will fo­cus on the RPM side of things, but I don't ex­pect life to be much hard­er in the oth­er side(s) of the fence(s).

Getting checkinstall

You should get it from its web­page how­ev­er, if you are run­ning Fe­do­ra, it won't work for a cou­ple of rea­son­s:

  • There's a bug in check­in­stall that re­quires a patch
  • The de­faults in the check­in­stall script in­stall the docs in the wrong place (/us­r/­doc in­stead of /us­r/share/­doc)

So, if you wan­t, you can fix those two is­sues. If you don't, just get my own RPM (made with check­in­stal­l, of course ;-) via freecache .

Using checkinstall

Check­in­stall has rather good docs, so I won't go in­to ex­haus­tive de­tail about how you can tweak it, but just give a sim­ple ex­am­ple us­ing check­pass­word-­pam.

First, ex­pand the ar­chive in the usu­al man­ner:

[root@roberto qmail]# tar xzvf checkpassword-pam-0.98.tar.gz
[root@roberto qmail]#

En­ter the di­rec­to­ry that was just cre­at­ed:

[root@roberto qmail]# cd checkpassword-pam-0.98
[root@roberto checkpassword-pam-0.98]#

Call con­fig­ure as you like it:

[root@roberto checkpassword-pam-0.98]# ./configure --prefix=/usr
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands
[root@roberto checkpassword-pam-0.98]#

Call make as usu­al:

[root@roberto checkpassword-pam-0.98]# make
make  all-am
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ralsina/qmail/checkpassword-pam-0.98'
[root@roberto checkpassword-pam-0.98]#

And now's the new stuff. In­stead of call­ing make in­­stall, call check­­in­stall make in­­stall. No­tice that this works for what­ev­er the com­mand to in­stall is, you just pre­fix it with check­in­stal­l.

[root@roberto checkpassword-pam-0.98]# checkinstall make install

checkinstall 1.6.0beta3, Copyright 2002 Felipe Eduardo Sanchez Diaz Duran
        This software is released under the GNU GPL.

The package documentation directory ./doc-pak does not exist.
Should I create a default set of package docs?  [y]:

If you say yes, check­in­stall will copy the usu­al doc files (READ­ME, for in­stance) in­to some place. Please no­tice that by de­fault check­in­stall will use /us­r/­doc, and in Red Hat or Fe­do­ra it should be /us­r/share/­doc.

To cor­rect that, ei­ther use my RPM or ed­it your check­in­stall­rc file.

You can tell check­in­stall what files should go in­to docs by cre­at­ing a doc-­pak di­rec­to­ry and copy­ing them in.

Preparing package documentation... OK

Please choose the packaging method you want to use.
Slackware [S], RPM [R] o Debian [D]?

Now it asks me what kind of pack­age I wan­t. You tell it what­ev­er you need, I use RPM pack­ages.

Please write a description for the package.
End your description with an empty line or EOF.
>> A checkpwd implementation using PAM. Useful for Qmail.

As you can see, I en­tered a short de­scrip­tion of the pack­age.

This package will be built according to these values:

1 -  Summary: [ A checkpwd implementation using PAM. Useful for Qmail. ]
2 -  Name:    [ checkpassword-pam ]
3 -  Version: [ 0.98 ]
4 -  Release: [ 1 ]
5 -  License: [ GPL ]
6 -  Group:   [ Applications/System ]
7 -  Architecture: [ i386 ]
8 -  Source location: [ checkpassword-pam-0.98 ]
9 -  Alternate source location: [  ]
10 - Provides: [  ]
11 - Requires: [  ]

Enter a number to change any of them or press ENTER to continue:

This step asks you to set val­ues that ap­pear lat­er in the pack­age in­for­ma­tion. Please do it. You may think now that you will al­ways know what check­pass­wd-­pam is. Well, maybe you won't. Maybe you won't even be around.

Spe­cial­ly im­por­tant is that when­ev­er you mod­i­fy the pack­age and re­build it, you in­crease the re­lease num­ber, so up­grad­ing is seam­less, and you can avoid stupid stuff like --­force.

Here's how I left it:

1 -  Summary: [ A checkpwd implementation using PAM. Useful for Qmail. ]
2 -  Name:    [ checkpassword-pam ]
3 -  Version: [ 0.98 ]
4 -  Release: [ 1 ]
5 -  License: [ GPL ]
6 -  Group:   [ Applications/System ]
7 -  Architecture: [ i386 ]
8 -  Source location: [ checkpassword-pam-0.98 ]
9 -  Alternate source location: [ ]
10 - Provides: [  ]
11 - Requires: [ pam >= 0.59 ]

The re­quires, I got from check­pass­word-­pam's README file.

Installing with make install...

========================= Installation results ===========================
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/ralsina/qmail/checkpassword-pam-0.98'
/bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/bin
**** RPM package creation selected ***

Building RPM package...OK

NOTE: The package will not be installed

Erasing temporary files...OK

Writing backup package...OK

Deleting temp dir...OK


Done. The new package has been saved to

You can install it in your system anytime using:

rpm -i checkpassword-pam-0.98-1.i386.rpm


[root@roberto checkpassword-pam-0.98]#

And that's al­l. You have a nice RPM pack­age you can dis­trib­ute and use at will.

Hope you liked this ar­ti­cle. If you have any doubt or ques­tion about any of this, just post a com­ment or email me. The best thing is prob­a­bly to post a com­ment and email me telling me you post­ed it.

That way, you make sure I no­tice your com­men­t, and the ques­tion (hope­ful­ly al­so the an­swer) stay with the ar­ti­cle.

The ul­ti­mate goal of the ar­ti­cle is that you no­tice how mak­ing a RPM is not too ter­ri­bly hard, and fur­ther, that if you make some nice ones, you share them with the rest of us, so we can stop cre­at­ing them ;-)

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-04 16:31:

Comments for this story are here:

employment background check / 2011-12-27 23:24:

Hi very nice article

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina