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All These Worlds (Bobiverse, #3)

Cover for All These Worlds (Bobiverse, #3)


Good end­ing to the tril­o­gy.

Just found that af­ter a break the au­thor is pub­lish­ing a fourth book. Pre-ordered it, we'll see if the con­cept still has legs.

For We Are Many (Bobiverse, #2)

Cover for For We Are Many (Bobiverse, #2)


Like the 1st book, fun!

Don't be con­fused, this is light­weight read­ing, but hey, pan­dem­ic and stuff.

We Are Legion (We Are Bob) (Bobiverse, #1)

Cover for We Are Legion (We Are Bob) (Bobiverse, #1)


Fun book. Look­ing for­ward to the rest of the se­ries.

Ex­tra points for be­ing the first time I see some­one quot­ing Ju­lian May's Pleis­tocene ex­ile saga.

Contents © 2000-2024 Roberto Alsina